Basic Figures - 2002
02-01 __ Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise)
02-02 __ Padmé Amidala (Arena Escape)
02-03 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)
02-05 __ Kit Fisto (Jedi Master)
02-06 __ Super Battle Droid
02-07 __ Boba Fett (Kamino Escape)
02-04 __ C-3PO (Protocol Droid)
02-08 __ Tusken Raider (Female with child)
02-09 __ Captain Typho (Padmé's Head of Security)
02-10 __ Shaak Ti (Jedi Master)
02-11 __ Battle Droid (Arena Battle)
02-12 __ Plo Koon (Arena Battle)
02-13 __ Jango Fett (Kamino Escape)
02-14 __ R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry)
02-15 __ Geonosian Warrior
02-16 __ Dexter Jettster (Coruscant Informant)
02-17 __ Clone Trooper
02-18 __ Zam Wesell (Bounty Hunter)
02-19 __ Royal Guard (Coruscant Security)
02-20 __ Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master)
02-21 __ Nikto (Jedi Knight)
02-22 __ Anakin Skywalker (Hanger Duel)
02-23 __ Yoda (Jedi Master)
02-24 __ Jar Jar Binks (Gungan Senator)
02-25 __ Taun We (Kamino Cloner)
02-26 __ Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
02-27 __ Count Dooku (Dark Lord)
02-28 __ Mace Windu (Geonosian Rescue)
02-29 __ Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel)
02-30 __ Darth Vader (Bespin Duel)
02-31 __ Jango Fett (Final Battle)
02-32 __ Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Master)
02-33 __ Endor Soldier
02-34 __ Massif (With Geonosian Warrior)
02-35 __ Orn Free Taa (Senator)
02-36 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Starfighter Pilot)
02-37 __ Han Solo (Endor Bunker)
02-38 __ Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture)
02-39 __ Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
02-40 __ Djas Puhr (Alien Bounty Hunter)
02-41 __ Padmé Amidala (Coruscant Attack)
02-42 __ Darth Maul (Sith Training)
02-43 __ Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine Attack)
02-44 __ Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi Master)
02-45 __ Ephant Mon (Jabba's Head of Security) Fan's Choice Figure #3
02-46 __ Teemto Pagalies (Pod Racer)
02-47 __ Jango Fett (Slave 1 Pilot)
02-48 __ Destroyer Droid (Geonosis Battle)
02-49 __ Clone Trooper (Republic Gunship Pilot)
02-50 __ Watto (Mos Espa Junk Dealer)
02-51 __ Lott Dod (Neimoidian Senator)
02-52 __ Tusken Raider (with Massif)
02-53 __ Yoda (Jedi High Council)
02-54 __ Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender)
02-55 __ Imperial Officer
02-56 __ Eeth Koth (Jedi Master)
02-57 __ Teebo
Basic Figures - 2003
03-01 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Acklay Battle)
03-02 __ Mace Windu (Arena Confrontation)
03-03 __ Darth Tyranus (Geonosian Escape)
03-04 __ Padmé Amidala (Droid Factory Chase)
03-05 __ SP-4 & JN-66 (Library Droids)
03-06 __ Tusken Raider (Tatooine Camp Ambush)
03-07 __ Anakin Skywalker (Secret Ceremony)
03-08 __ Boba Fett (The Pit of Carkoon)
03-09 __ R2-D2 (Droid Factory)
03-10 __ Lama Su (With Clone Child)
03-11 __ Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight)
03-12 __ Barris Offee (Luminara Unduli's Padawan)
03-13 __ Han Solo (Hoth Rescue)
03-14 __ Chewbacca (Mynock Hunt)
03-15 __ Yoda & Chian (Padawan Lightsaber Training)
03-16 __ Ashla & Jempa (Jedi Padawans)
03-17 __ Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel)
03-18 __ Darth Vader (Throne Room Duel)
03-19 __ Snowtrooper (The Battle of Hoth)
03-20 __ Jango Fett (Kamino Escape)
03-21 __ C-3PO (Tatooine Ambush)
03-22 __ Padmé Amidala (Secret Ceremony)
03-23 __ Wat Tambor (Geonosis War Room)
03-24 __ Coleman Trebor (Battle of Geonosis)
03-25 __ Darth Maul (Theed Hangar Duel)
03-26 __ Princess Leia Organa (Imperial Captive)
03-27 __ Han Solo (Flight to Alderaan)
03-28 __ WA-7 (Dexter's Diner)
03-29 __ Lt. Dannl Faytonni (Coruscant Outlander Club)
03-30 __ The Emperor (Throne Room)
03-31 __ Luke Skywalker (Tatooine Encounter)
03-32 __ Darth Vader (Death Star Clash)
03-33 __ Bail Organa (Alderaan Senator)
03-34 __ McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper (Fan's Choice Figure #4)
03-35 __ Imperial Dignitary Janus Greejatus (Death Star Procession)
03-36 __ Padmé Amidala (Lars' Homestead)
03-37 __ Achk Med-Beq (Coruscant Outlander Club)
03-38 __ Ayy Vida (Outlander Nightclub Patron)
03-39 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Outlander Nightclub Encounter)
03-40 __ Elan Sleazebaggano (Outlander Nightclub Encounter)
03-41 __ Imperial Dignitary Kren Blista-Vinee (Death Star Procession)
(2003 numbering continues in the Clone Wars line)
Basic Figures - 2004
Wave 1 - Hoth
04-01 __ Hoth Trooper (Hoth Evacuation)
04-02 __ R-3PO (Hoth Evacuation)
04-03 __ Luke Skywalker (Hoth Attack)
Wave 2 - Tatooine
04-04 __ Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace)
04-05 __ R2-D2 (Jabba's Sail Barge)
04-06 __ R1-G4 (Tatooine Transaction)
Wave 3 - Jabba’s Palace
04-07 __ Lando Calrissian (Jabba's Sail Barge)
04-08 __ Rappertunie (Jabba's Palace)
04-09 __ J'Quille (Jabba's Sail Barge)
04-10 __ Tanus Spijek (Jabba's Sail Barge)
04-11 __ Holographic Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace)
Wave 4 - Battle of Yavin
04-12 __ General Jan Dodonna (Battle of Yavin)
04-13 __ Dutch Vander: Gold Leader (Battle of Yavin)
04-14 __ TIE Fighter Pilot (Battle of Yavin)
04-15 __ Captain Antilles (Tantive IV Invasion) Fan's Choice Figure #5
Wave 5 - Star Destroyer
04-16 __ Admiral Ozzel
04-17 __ Dengar (Executor Meeting)
04-18 __ Bossk (Executor Meeting)
Wave 6 - Battle of Endor
04-19 __ Han Solo (Endor Strike)
04-20 __ General Madine (Imperial Shuttle Capture)
04-21 __ Lando Calrissian (Death Star Attack)
"Hall of Fame" Figures
__ Anakin Skywalker (Geonosis Hangar Duel)
__ C-3PO (Death Star Rescue)
__ Chewbacca (Escape From Hoth)
__ Darth Maul (Theed Hangar Duel)
__ Darth Vader (Death Star Clash)
__ Han Solo (Flight to Alderaan)
__ Luke Skywalker (Tatooine encounter)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)
__ Princess Leia (Death Star Captive)
__ R2-D2 (Tatooine Mission)
__ Stormtrooper (Death Star Chase)
__ Yoda (Battle of Geonosis)
Deluxe Figures
__ Anakin Skywalker with Force-Flipping Attack!
__ Anakin Skywalker with Lightsaber Slashing Action!
__ C-3PO With Droid Factory Assembly Line!
__ Clone Trooper With Speeder Bike
__ Darth Tyranus with Force-Flipping Attack!
__ Flying Geonosian with Sonic Blaster and Attack Pod!
__ Jango Fett (Kamino Showdown)
__ Jango Fett with Electronic Backpack and Snap-On Armor!
__ Mace Windu with Blast-Apart Battle Droid!
__ Nexu with Snapping Jaw and Attack Roar
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Kamino Showdown)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi with Force-Flipping Attack!
__ Spider Droid with Rotating Turret and Firing Cannon!
__ Super Battle Droid Builder with Droid Factory Assembly Mold
__ Yoda with Force Powers!
Ultra Figures
__ C-3PO (Tatooine Escape)
__ Ewok with Attack Glider (Assault On Endor)
__ General Rieekan (Hoth Evacuation)
__ Jabba's Palace Court Denizens
__ Jabba the Hutt (Jabba's Palace)
__ Jango Fett (Kamino Confrontation)
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Kamino Confrontation)
__ Wampa (Hoth Attack)
Accessory Sets
__ Arena Conflict With Battle Droid
__ Death Star With Death Star Trooper
__ Endor Victory With Scout Trooper
__ Hoth Survival With Rebel Soldier
Cantina Sets
__ Dr. Evazan (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Greedo (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Kitik Keed'kak (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Momaw Nadon (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Ponda Baba (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Wuher (With Cantina Bar Section)
__ Endor Rebel Troopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ Imperial Forces (Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, AT-ST Driver, R4-I9)
__ Jedi Warriors (Obi-wan Kenobi, Saesee Tiin, Plo Koon, Fi-Ek Sirch)
__ Light Saber Action Pack
__ Rebel Troopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ Sandtroopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ Skirmish at Carkoon (Han Solo, Klaatu, Nikto, Barada)
__ Stormtroopers (Troop Builder Set)
__ The Battle of Hoth (Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, R3-A2 and Tauntaun)
__ Ultimate Bounty (Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88, Aurra Sing w/ Swoop)
__ Value 4-pack
__ Boba Fett (2003 Convention Exclusive)
__ Clone Trooper (Toys R Us 2004 Exclusive)
__ Commander Jorg Sacul (2002 Celebration 2 Exclusive)
__ Darth Vader (2002 New York Toy Fair and Fan Club Exclusive)
__ Jedi-Con 2004 Convention Exclusive 2-Pack
__ Holiday Edition 2002 (R2-D2 and C-3PO)
__ Holiday Edition 2003 (Yoda)
__ R2-D2 (Toys R Us 2002 Silver Anniversary Exclusive)
__ SandTrooper (2004 Comic-Con Exclusive)
__ Acklay
__ Reek
Screen Scenes
__ Death Star Trash Compactor (Luke Skywalker and Han Solo)
__ Death Star Trash Compactor (Princess Leia and Chewbacca)
__ Geonosian War Room (Poggle the Lesser, San Hill, Count Dooku)
__ Geonosian War Room (Nute Gunray, Shu Mai, Passel Argente)
__ Jedi Council (Mace Windu, Even Piell, Oppo Rancisis)
__ Jedi Council (Yarael Poof, Depa Billaba, Yaddle)
Collectible Figures and Cups
__ Episode I - Darth Maul
__ Episode II - Anakin Skywalker
__ Episode IV - Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Episode V - Luke Skywalker
__ Episode VI - Princess Leia Organa
__ A-Wing Fighter
__ Anakin Skywalker's Speeder
__ Anakin Skywalker's Swoop
__ Darth Tyranus's Speeder
__ Jedi Starfighter
__ Jedi Starfighter (with Obi-Wan Kenobi)
__ Luke Skywalker and Landspeeder
__ Luke Skywalker's X-Wing Fighter
__ Red Leader's X-Wing Fighter (Death Star Trench)
__ Republic Gunship
__ Imperial Shuttle
__ Slave I
__ TIE Bomber (new packaging)
__ TIE Fighter (Imperial Dogfight)
__ Zam Wesell's Speeder
__ Geonosian Battle Arena
12" Figures
__ Anakin Skywalker
__ Anakin Skywalker (Slashing Lightsaber Action)
__ AT-ST Driver
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Tatooine Encounter)
__ Biker Scout
__ Clone Commander
__ Clone Trooper
__ Clone Trooper (Captain)
__ Count Dooku
__ Dengar
__ Ewok 2-pack (Logray and Keoulkeech)
__ Gamorrean Guard
__ Garindan (Mos Eisley Cantina)
__ Geonosian Warrior
__ Han Solo
__ Imperial Officer
__ Jango Fett
__ Jango Fett (Electronic Battling)
__ Jawas (Tatooine Scavengers)
__ Ki-Adi-Mundi
__ Lando Calrissian (Skiff Disguise)
__ Luke Skywalker (Slashing Lightsaber Action)
__ Luke Skywalker & Tauntaun
__ Mace Windu
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Electronic Battling)
__ Padmé Amidala
__ Plo Koon
__ Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) & Han Solo (Carbonite)
__ Princess Leia with Speeder Bike
__ Super Battle Droid
__ Yoda (with hoverchair and accessories)
__ Zam Wesell
__ Zuckuss
Vinyl Figures
__ Anakin Skywalker
__ Darth Vader
__ Jango Fett
__ Mace Windu
__ Arena Adventure
__ Duel With Darth Maul
__ Fast Through the Forest
__ Millennium Falcon Adventure
__ The Stompin' Wampa
__ X-Wing Adventure
Action Fleet
__ AT-AT
__ AT-TE
__ Dune Sea Ambush
__ Imperial Endor Pursuit
__ Millennium Falcon
__ Mos Eisley Encounter
__ Naboo Fighter
__ Republic Assault Ship
__ Republic Gunship
__ Slave 1
__ Solar Sailor
__ Snowspeeder
__ Tatooine Droid Hunter
__ TIE Fighter Advanced X1
__ X-Wing Fighter

Last updated 1/18/07. List maintained by Adam Lamping.