Posted by Mark on July 15, 2005 at 02:30 AM CST
In case you were wondering how the final 12 figure of the year will ship, Hasbro was kind enough to pass along the following breakdown:
Collection 1: Wave 7
#57 - Commander Bly
#58 - Wookiee Commando
#59 - Commander Gree
#60 - Grievous Bodyguard
#61 - Passel Argente
#62 - Cat Miin (Shu Mai's Aide)
#63 - Neimoidian Commander
Collection 2: Wave 6
#64 - R4-P17 (Obi-Wan's Astromech)
#65 - Tactical Ops Trooper
#66 - Plo Koon (Hologram)
#67 - Aayla Secura (Hologram)
#68 - Wookiee Heavy Gunner
Hasbro also shared a correction with their Galactic Heroes display. The proper pairings for the release of these sets will be:
Dark Side Anakin with (Blue) Tactical Ops Trooper
Obi-Wan Kenobi with (Orange) Utapau Clone Trooper
Darth Vader with Emperor Palpatine
Kashyyyk Yoda with Kashyyyk Scout Trooper