Posted by Chris on July 25, 2014 at 02:56 PM CST
Things started off with two-packs for the Black series, which will include a cantina Han/Greedo set and a Battle on Endor set.
Target exclusives for the Black Series:
- 6-inch Collection Imperial Shadow Squadron (looks amazing)
- 6-Inch Walgreens Boba Fett Prototype Armor
New Black Series 3.75-inch:
- Yavin Ceremony Leia (with soft-goods cape)
- Chewbacca Yavin Ceremony
- CW Clone Commander Wolffe (Desert Armor)
- CW Captain Rex (new head and torso)
- CW Clone Commander Doom
- Jon "Dutch" Vanders
- Darth Vader Yoda's Test (with removable face-plate)
New Black Series 6-inch:
- TIE Pilot
- Ep II Clone Trooper Sergeant (green)
- Han Solo Stormtrooper Disguise (with removable helmet)
- EPV Bossk (with articulating jaw and tongue!)
- Jabba's Throne Room (with hooka and Crumb)
New Black Series Deluxe 6-inch:
- Luke Skywalker and Wampa two-pack (with removable Wampa arm)
- Han Solo and Tauntaun (blue coat)
The presentation wrapped up with a teaser for a Black Series Emperor (soft-goods cloak).