Posted by Chris on February 13, 2015 at 11:13 AM CST
Here is the latest announcement from the official Celebration Anaheim Collecting Track:
Celebration Anaheim Collector Showcase

It’s all about the presentation!

The Collecting Track is once again seeking collection photos to highlight at Star Wars Celebration VII in Anaheim. This year, our focus will be on quality and creativity of presentation. Whether you have found an innovative way to highlight a single item, or have converted a large space into a Star Wars shrine, share your ideas for making a collection stand out. Attendance at Celebration is not required to participate!

We plan to feature a variety of collectible types to show the diverse range of items that people collect and unique approaches to presentation. Some photos may be selected for printed displays, while others may be used in slide presentations running in the Collectors Track rooms.

DEADLINE IS MARCH 1. Contact Todd Chamberlain at for details about how to submit photos. Please do not send e-mail attachments.
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