Below, this month’s group of Star Wars comics and novels that can be found at specialist stores, straight from the US, including the limited edition hardcover 30th Anniversary "Darklighter" volume. | Abaixo, o grupo de BD e novelas Star Wars deste mês que podem ser vistos nas lojas da especialidade, vindos directamente dos Estados Unidos, incluindo a edição limitada em capa dura do volume 7 da edição 30th Anniversary, "Darklighter". |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, #19
Star Wars Legacy, #15
Star Wars Rebellion, #9
Star Wars 30th Anniversary Collection, Vol. 7, "Darklighter" (HC)
Star Wars Dark Empire II, 2nd Edition (TP)
Star Wars Clone Wars, Vol. 7 "When They Were Brothers" (TP)
Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace Photo Comic (TP)
Star Wars Legacy of the Force: Inferno