Here's an update on the giant book project from Todd A. DeMartino's website,
We have been working hard with the completion of 19 out of 20 chapters and we are putting the final touches on Chapter 1 - About the Book/About the Author. The lengthy editing and re-writing stage is in full swing while the final page count came in at 1100 pages instead of the original 600-700 page estimate. We have enhanced the look of the two book covers with slipcase along with improving on The Saga Museum logo.
We are pleased to announce that we will have a booth display at Celebration 5 to showcase the size and quality of the project. On hand will be a book mock-up and a 37" monitor projecting a 500 page slide show. We are looking forward to meeting with all of the fans and supporters.

I, with Steve Bruno the photographer, Jeff Correll the designer and Bill Wills the editor will all be on hand to meet with everyone to answer questions about the development of this 15 pound comprehensive photographic guide. Please make sure you stop by the booth and pick up a high quality 8-page brochure while supplies last.

Additionally, I am honored to join Steve Sansweet, Gus Lopez, Duncan Jenkins, Shane Turgeon, Anne Neumann and Pete Vilmur for the Star Wars Collectors Author Panel. Mark it on your survival guide schedules so you can acquire a free box of "Greedos" with a certain little book shown on the back. Also, the 16 different collectors panels are not to be missed so attend them all!
We look forward to seeing everyone at C5 in a few weeks so please make sure you stop by booth #107 and say hi.
- Todd DeMartino