The inaugural official Hasbro Wishlist Poll is running in our forums, where members can let us know what they hope to see in future Hasbro
Star Wars action figure assortments! We’ll take the data from the forums and present it to Hasbro at the 2008 SDCC in July! Here’s your chance to be heard and maybe even have some influence on future releases in the line!
The results are in the for
Return of the Jedi Finalist Poll, and here's how you ranked the characters you'd most like to see made into action figures:
- Jabba the Hutt 4.50
- Luke Skywalker - DS2 4.48
- Lumat & Paploo 4.39
- Admiral Ackbar 4.29
- Y-Wing/Gray Squadron Pilot 4.20
- Wooof (Vintage Klaatu) 4.20
- Wicket & Logray 4.20
- Gammorean Guard 4.18
- Sgt. Doallyn 4.08
- Emperor Palpatine 4.05
- Vintage Nikto 4.00
- Weequay - Skiff Master 4.00
- Sim Aloo 3.97
- Nik Sant - Rebel Commando 3.92
- Weequay - Sail Barge 3.88
- Weequay - Hunter (vintage) 3.88
- Royal Guard 3.88
- Nien Nunb 3.86
- Kithaba 3.85
- Grizz Frix 3.79
- Taym Dren-Garen 3.77
- BG-J38 3.76
- Shasa Tiel 3.76
- Vizam (Sail Barge Nikto) 3.70
- Ree Yees 3.58
- Cane Adiss 3.54
- Lando Calrissian - General 3.47
Remember these are numeric scores measured on the scale of 1 to 6, not percentages. A 3.5 is “average” – so any figure scoring above 3.5 is an above average want, any that scores above four is a very strong score!

We are in the home stretch for our inaugural Hasbro wish list poll! Now, all we’re lacking to complete the polling process is to get a roughly even number of votes for all categories. Here is where we stand as of this posting:
Episode I: Complete!
Episode II: Complete!
Episode III: Complete!
Episode IV: Complete!
Episode V: Complete!
Episode VI: Complete!
EU - Comics: Votes Needed
EU - Video Games: Votes Needed
EU - Novels: Votes Needed
EU - TV & Other: Votes Needed
As you can see, we still need your vote! If you voted in some of the categories – particularly those that you were interested in we need you to vote in ALL of the categories – regardless of your interest.
Why is this important? In order to provide the most consistent results to Hasbro, we need roughly the same number of votes in each category. This shows that across 1000 voters (which is an impressive amount of participation!) here is how fans feel on average about each of the selections, providing a true relative scale of how important each release is to the greater fan community.
We’ve already seen some of these announced/confirmed by Hasbro, as well as many others on various rumor lists. Here’s your chance to show Hasbro how potentially important (or not important) these subjects are!
Please use the links to each category above to check to see if you’ve voted already, and get your votes in SOON if you haven’t. We’re only a few short weeks away from SDCC, and will need to collect these votes quickly in order to get the final calculations completed and presentation materials ready for Hasbro!