Posted by Liam on August 27, 2022 at 08:23 AM CST
Greetings, Rebelscum fans! This week on the site we’re headed to the planet Ryloth. Twi’lek characters have been fan-favorites since 1983, but we finally got to see their homeworld in The Clone Wars. Ryloth continued to play a major role in both Rebels and The Bad Batch. Stay tuned throughout the week for more articles, insights, videos, and merchandising updates about Ryloth, Twi’leks, and much more!

Rebels was responsible for introducing a new batch of heroes. Unlike The Clone Wars, which featured an ensemble cast that told anthology style stories, Rebels would focus on a core group of characters that went on adventures together. The series was pitched in comparison to science fiction shows like Star Trek or Firefly. Ironically, this was also an original idea for The Clone Wars, but Lucas and crew decided that an anthology format would be more effective.

The Clone Wars had the benefit of introducing its characters to audiences on the big screen, but Rebels still made a memorable debut with its television movie “Spark of Rebellion.” In the series pilot, Hera Syndulla immediately proves to be the voice of reason within the group. She is able to coax Kanan Jarrus during his moments of rage, and teaches Ezra about the nature of justice and rebellion.

One of the ongoing themes within Rebels is the formation of the Rebel Alliance from a group of grassroots movements. Although there is widespread distaste for the Empire, the different Rebel groups do not unite to stand up against their oppressors. Hera bridges a gap by making contact with Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and a mysterious leader named “Fulcrum.” The Rebels season one finale, “Fire Across the Galaxy,” reveals that Fulcrum is none other than Ahsoka Tano. Hera makes primary conflict with the larger Alliance; this causes a rift within the Ghost crew, as Kanan and Sabine are cagey about following orders given their respective experiences.

Kanan never completed his Jedi training, as he was still a padawan during Order 66. He hasn’t adopted every Jedi characteristic, including the policy of not forming physical and emotional attachments. Kanan and Heras’ relationship is alluded to throughout Rebels, and Hera eventually gives birth to a child that she names Jacen Syndulla.

Although it's not clear what all Hera did after the conclusion of Rebels, several recent publications have alluded to her adventures. She served as an important Rebel leader throughout the Galactic Civil War, and served in the Battle of Scarif. Hera’s adventures were also chronicled in the Doctor Aphra comic series. Apparently, Princess Leia remembered Hera’s bravery from their adventures together, and made her an important figure within the formation of the New Republic.

What do you think, Rebelscum fans? Do you have any favorite Hera quotes? Where do you want to see her go next? Let us know in the forums, and as always, may the Force be with you!

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