The street date for the newest
Star Wars Insider is April 23, but subscribers should be seeing a copy in their mailboxes any day now. This is the first issue published by Titan Magazines, the long time publisher of the UK
Star Wars fan magazine, and publisher of magazines for Lost, Buffy, Star Trek and other film or TV properties.
The first thing subscribers will notice is that it comes wrapped in a plastic sleeve! While I never had any issues with the loose magazines previously, I do know some people who's postal carrier was less than careful. Also included with the issue is sheet that explains the changes to the Fan Club and what subscribers can expect from the Insider and Hyperspace.
On this sheet should be your mailing label. If you have a question about when your subscription expires, that information is located to the right and above your name and address. Please see the yellow highlighted area in the sample label below. As you can see this label expires November/December of 2007.
The content inside is similar yet different. First off, we have a new editor in Brian J. Robb. He's a familiar name to the Insider however having some previous interviews during the Wizards of the Coast era. The design is completely different but the authors are the same people we've grown to know and love. The "Pirates of the Boards" series continues with part 3 and all in all the transition seems to have gone incredibly smoothly.
Readers will still be able to read their Q&A's with Pablo Hidalgo, get their collecting questions answered by Steve Sansweet, and keep up to date with all the Bantha Tracks information from Mary Franklin.
For the full list of articles and features, please visit our
Jedi Journals entry.