Posted by D. Martin on October 2, 2006 at 03:41 PM CST
We lucked out on this toy hunt, as it seemed the aisles in the future weren't overly picked over yet. While rifling through the new Vintage figures, we were all saddened to find out that the Jawa figure had been swapped out in favour of a new IG-88 figure. Thankfully, he came packin' heat. It sure is nicer to see this figure with both of his firearms again.
While looking for the 30th Anniversary version of the Jawa (likely the reason the VXXX version didn't make it), we stumbled upon the all-new chase figures. Not unlike the Bounty Hunt figures of this year, the future chase figures are packed in with uniquely coloured accessories. Instead of silver coins like all the other figures of the future, the variant hunt figures sport gold coins.
Oh, funny thing, as the team left the toy aisle of the future, our man Chris tripped over a Death Star Transformer that someone left carelessly on the floor. We all kind of laughed, which now looking back to the future we can rationalize that that was mean and insensitive. Thankfully Chris wasn't hurt (except for a bump on the head), but he did point out that it transforms into a big Darth Vader figure.
Sadly, as we got to the tills to make all our purchases, all our cards were declined; so we couldn't bring anything back to add to the photo archive. I guess that means there's going to be a lot of other stuff for us to buy from now until then…