Posted by Jeremy on May 5, 2016 at 07:09 AM CST
Timed for that day of days, May 4th, the fifth and final episode of LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises is available for viewing. Personally, this being the fifth installment, I think it should have been released on Revenge of the Fifth Day, which is why I held back posting it. Enjoy :D

Episode 5: Attack Of The Conscience

In the days before the First Order’s attack on Jakku that kicks off The Force Awakens, CAPTAIN PHASMA trains her troops for the assault. Cheering his friends on from the sidelines is FINN, who longs to fight for the First Order. When an accident makes that possible, Finn leaps at the chance to become a full-fledged Stormtrooper, only to have second thoughts... and third, fourth and fifth thoughts about their mission to attack the innocent people of Jakku. As our story ends, Finn is well on his way to becoming the hero of conscience we all root for in The Force Awakens.
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