Posted by Curto on December 13, 2007 at 05:22 PM CST
Ah yes...everyone loves a good rumor list! It's been awhile, but we've got another juicy new batch of rumors for you, this time based on the popular Evolutions series!

As with any rumor list, nothing is official...but everything is worth speculating on!

We've gotten a number of Wedge Antilles figures in the past, but they've always been repaints or kit-bashes of existing isn't it time that Wedge got to have his own unique figure? Apparently so, and it seems that it'll be part of a Rebel Pilots set. No word on the other figures, or any possible running changes to this set. Considering the many mambers of Rogue Squadron & Wraith Squadron...anything's possible.

One of THE most requested Evolutions sets since the series began was to get one featuring Padmé Amidala. Word has it that we might just get lucky next year with three all-new outfits, but we'll have to wait a little bit longer to find out just which three we might see.

Finally, it looks like the Rebel Pilots won't be getting the spotlight all to themselves...because the Imperial Pilots are also slated for the Evolutions treatment. So what's the difference between one TIE Fighter Pilot and the next? Good question, but back in the Star Wars: Empire comic series, Biggs Darklighter had a rather unique look to him, so there's a possibility. Plus, maybe they can redo Baron Fel and get him right this time.

Again, none of these rumors are confirmed...stay tuned!