Posted by Curto on October 12, 2006 at 10:45 AM CST
Confirming some more rumors, as well as a new item, here's the latest from the Target computers.
Ambush at Ilum Battle Pack: $19.99 DPCI: 087-06-0835
said to contain the long-rumored Padmé in her Clone Wars "snowbunny" outfit
Battle of Felucia Battle Pack: $19.99 DPCI: 087-06-1070
most likely will contain Aayla Secura and Commander Bly
Darth Vader with Coin Folder (not an exclusive): DPCI: 087-06-0886
The first figure in the The 30th Anniversary Collection
Order 66 2-packs: $12.99 DPCI: 087-06-0884
No other info is yet known.