Posted by Mark on March 9, 2005 at 04:18 PM CST
Questions for March 9, 2005
Q&A Archive

When are we going to get a definitive Episode 3 figure list with vehicles, basic, deluxe, 12 inchers, and Force Battlers? If I remember for AOTC, I had an exact hit list all typed up to go by now.

Are Force Battlers an expansion of Jedi Force? If they are has there been any mention of Clones?

On one of the earlier basic figure list I saw a special ops clone (or something to that effect). Is that figure still a go? Is it possibly the much-wanted Clone Commando?

I know a big argument in the past has been the EU is not canon. With a pretty much all of the Clone Wars taking place in books, comics, video games, and TV doesn't that throw that argument out of the window? And since LF is doing a GREAT job in ensuring (almost) everything lines up between the films shouldn't Hasbro and stubborn "fans" realize that there are some great characters that could translate well into toys (Quin Lon Vos, Republic Commandos, Clone Starfighter) and admit that the statement only the films are canon irrelevant?

Hasbro has been a little trickier with their product forms this time around; everything I've seen so far has items listed by number only - no product names. Hopefully we'll have a definitive list coming out of Toy Fair, but then again…

Force Battlers are a Hasbro Boys product where as Jedi Force is from Hasbro's Playskool division. While they look like very similar toys, that's the distinction between the two. From what we saw at Toy Fair, both Jedi Force and Force battlers will offer some of the same characters this year. Off hand I'd say it looks like Hasbro is stepping all over themselves where these two product lines are concerned, I'm not sure how this will play out with kids or collectors, but it will be interesting to watch. As far as I know no Clones have been mentioned for either line.

There are few different clones that have been listed, but so far none of them are the Clone Commando from the LucasArts game. Sorry…

When it comes to toys, I don't think the argument has ever been about canon, it's more a matter of exposure and recognition. Movie related items sell better because nearly every fan has seen the movies. Not everyone reads the comics, or the books, or plays the video games. As far as Hasbro is concerned, if they're going to invest in making toys, they want to make the ones with the most consumer recognition. Most movie items have a near 100% recognition rate with the people buying Star Wars toys, or Hasbro can at least point to the part in the movie the figure or toy came from. When you start getting into other areas, consumer interest (for what ever reason) starts to fall off. The Clone Wars Animated line has done well because it enjoyed very high profile and most Star Wars fans tuned in. It's just not the same for the other areas, and unfortunately it never will be.

Maybe I missed this somewhere along the way, but after viewing the pictures from the ROTS Store Display Mock-ups, I was wondering what scale the "Battle Arena" sets (I won't mention who is in them to avoid spoiling it for anyone) are? I mean, are they the same as the usual 3.5" figures or are they their own separate scale? Also, I'm glad to see that there will be a good selection of 12" figures from ROTS but I was also wondering if you think Hasbro would ever take a bit of inspiration from the "Super Articulated" 18" Spider-Man figure with 70+ points of articulation? Maybe a "Super Articulated" 18"-ish Darth Vader or Clone Trooper? I think they'd FLY off the shelves! - Ray

I can safely say the Battle Arena figures are 3¾", same as the basic line. While they're not the most articulated figures on the block, they still look pretty good for what they are. As far as I'm concerned the jury is still out on the 12" line. While I like some of the figures I've seen so far, I'm a little surprised and disappointed by the selection. Regarding the lines future, I have a sinking feeling there isn't much of one. For one reason or another this line continues to tank at retail, in fact it's gotten to the point where stores have just stopped carrying it. For that reason, I don't hold out much hope that Hasbro will emulated the type of job done on the 18" mega articulated Spidey.

It seems that the release date for the Unleashed Stormtrooper, Aurra Sing, and IG-88 keeps on getting pushed back (Fall '04 to 12/04 to 1/05). Now January is almost over and still there are no traces of these figures. Any idea when these will become available in the U.S.?

Actually these just started showing up so it appears the wait is finally over. So far Target has been the place to track these down at, but I'm sure Wal*Mart and Toys 'R' Us will have them soon enough. Happy hunting!

I saw will be selling the second wave of Target Star Wars Cups. I want to purchase them, but the site in Japanese. Any suggestions?

Will Gentle Giant ever touch EP1?

How long until the Clone Wars animated commemorative packs hit the US?

Will Action Fleet come back to life?

Are there specs anywhere to convert (custom job) a regular Republic Gunship to the tank dropper? -Eric S.

OTC Cup & Figure sets: Either make a friend in Japan, or keep checking eBay…

GGS and TPM: Yeah, they will. Rumors of a Darth Maul mini-bust have been going around for a while now, I'm sure they'll hit that once we move beyond the OTC/Revenge of the Sith stuff. I wouldn't hold my breath for a Jar Jar bust, but there's plenty of time for them to revisit other characters from this film at a later date.

Clone Wars commemorative packs: I'm not sure if we've gotten a definitive answer on this yet, but they should be available when the DVD is released on the 22nd.

Action Fleet: "always in motion the future is…"

Republic Dropship: No specs that I've seen.

With the new Hasbro Micro Vehicles, I was wondering if there was any information regarding the size of these new vehicles compared to the old Micro Machines, and also if they are using the old casts of if these are new ones? -Adam

The new Micros will be roughly the same size as the Die-Cast and X-Ray lines. Hasbro will utilize many of the existing tools/molds for this line; as well create new ones (maybe). A Republic Gunship was created for Wal*Mart's Titanium line, I wouldn't be surprised to see Hasbro do the same for Target's Micro line.

Do you happen to know which figures will be released on April 2nd?? The card backs of the two different collections only have a total of 24, but the list we recently saw had 56 different figures on it. Also, in the Wal*Mart pics that were recently released, I saw Luminara and Aalya Secura figures on the pegs, that would put it PAST 24 figures since those are figures #31 and #32. -Craig Kocher

Right now, based on the figures that have leaked out so far, it looks like the first 40 will be out on the 2nd. Yeah, start saving…

What is the difference between a maquette and a bust? I keep seeing announcements that new mini busts are coming out, then that a new maquette is coming out, but they look pretty much alike to me. Why are some identified one way and some the other? What is the difference? -rosemaster

Not sure if there is a technical difference, I've seen both words used to describe the other, but as far as the GGS line is concerned the Busts focus on movie characters where the Maquettes have so far been limited to the animated Clone Wars characters. Busts are generally renditions of the characters from the waist up, and Maquettes feature the full body. If you're still not sure, take a run through our GGS Photo Archive, we've got a good number of them posted in there.

I just picked up the ROTS preview wave and I was really pleased with the figures especially the Wookiee Warrior and Grievous except I had a hard time getting him to stand and it took me about 5 minutes to figure out that to get R4's leg out you have to twist his head. But Wal*Mart had about 5 of each figure even R4 but no Tion Medon or Anakin's starfighter any reason? - Cory

Anakin's Starfighter was delayed for some reason; I don't think anyone had these in time for the Sneak Preview release date. Tion Medon probably just sold out before you could get there. Two different assortments of Sneak Preview figures shipped to retail, one had Tion and R4 short packed. If your store got one or two of those cases, that could explain why Tion wasn't there when the other three were, kinda…

I bought the Wookiee Warrior preview figure today at Target and when I opened it I discovered it had two right feet. I was wondering if anyone else has found this or if mine was just a fluke. -Nathan

Never saw any other reports, must be a fluke…

I am a 31-year-old collector who also has two sons (8 and 5) who play with Star Wars. So I am always contrasting the play value of today's figures with those of the 1980's. So here are a couple of things I have been wondering.

1. What is the deal with the 45-degree elbow articulation? There are some figures it works on where you can straighten out their arms, but most you cannot. To me it seems a wasted articulation.

2. Are playsets just dead? Looking back into the past, we as kids, had a good selection of playsets: Land of Jawas, Cantina, Death Star, Hoth, Turret & Probot, Dagobah, Ewok Village, etc. but with Episodes 1 and 2 there were hardly any playsets made. Since Hasbro has basically been producing the OTC vehicles from the old 1980's molds (but with better paint jobs and electronics), couldn't they do the same with playsets? My kids are constantly asking me if "they" make a "Yoda's house" or an "Ewok Village"; and I wonder why Hasbro has never produced any of these again. I have been forced to buy the vintage ones off eBay and give them a better paint job myself. So, again are playsets just dead? -Jason L. Weatherly

That cut is usually used so that a figure can hold a weapon with both hands, like a lightsaber or rifle. Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't; its basically just an option to having the arms locked in one position.

For all intents and purposes playsets are dead. Hasbro did a nice one for Episode II, and they have a pretty good looking one for Revenge of the Sith, but it looks like that's about all we can hope for. Generally we don't see anything offered in a non-movie year, and I honestly don't see that changing anytime soon; in the modern line playsets just haven't sold all that well. Depending on which molds are still available, Hasbro could always dust off one and re-release it, but the question then becomes; "will it sell?" Unfortunately the answer learned from the early Power of the Force II days is "probably not as well as we'd like it too" and that usually translates into a "no-go." It's a shame, but it's one of the realities of today's toy market. Not that they're even close to what you or I grew up on, but it looks like Hasbro has a 5-pack line coming up with a nice display base, maybe that will help fill the playset void.

Until next time...

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