Posted by Mark on June 3, 2005 at 04:27 PM CST
Questions for June 3, 2005
Q&A Archive

Hi my name is Chad is there going to be a celebration 4 in 2007?

Hey Chad! There was mention of this at Celebration 3, it makes perfect sense considering ’07 is the 30th anniversary of the original Star Wars (A New Hope), but no plans have been finalized yet. With only two years to plan it though, I would expect we’ll probably here more about this fairly soon. Stay tuned…

Wookiee Warrior: I recently bought this figure with the blond hair version and a few weeks later noticed the same figure out now with the dark brown fur. I purchased it also so I can have both versions of this figure. Any idea which one might be the rarer of the two? I have not seen the blond version since and I do frequent all the stores quite often. -Eric

Typically Hasbro will produce variations like this in equal numbers. Though it may appear to be more rare than the other in your area, overall quantities on both should be the same.

In ROTS when Ki-Adi Mundi is killed I noticed Bacarra's troops were Snowtroopers and in the comic series they were Snowtroopers, so do you think Hasbro will make any? Also is Plo Koon’s lightsaber blue or green because in POTJ his sword was green but in ROTS its blue? -lord inferno

Despite their brief appearance on screen, I have to think Hasbro is at the very least looking at the possibility of producing a Clone ‘snow gear’ figure. I wouldn’t expect it this year, but as the line progresses and given positive encouragement from fans and collectors, I would think Hasbro will release it eventually. Blue, green, or yellow take your pick, throughout the course of the Prequels Plo Koon’s lightsaber has changed colors roughly three times. He first appeared in a video game with a yellow saber, the POTJ figure sported a yellowish/green saber, and both Saga and ROTS figures have included blue sabers. Bottom line however, according to his Arena appearance in Attack of the Clones (the only time he’s shown with lightsaber activated on screen), his ‘official’ saber color is blue. It’s a shame; I was kinda partial to the yellow saber…

I've managed to get the ROTS figures #'s 1 - 44 with the exception of #38 the AT-TE Tank Gunner. I've noticed that they're not selling for big $ on eBay. Am I missing something here, I live in Boise, Idaho and we seem to be about 2 - 3 weeks behind the rest of the country. Is this a figure that people buy 10 of or is it just hard to come by? -Damon DeJulis

As a troop builder and a pretty cool figure to boot, most collectors probably grab a couple of these when they can. I wouldn’t worry too much though, the figure will continue to ship throughout the Summer and given time you should have better luck tracking one down.

I was wondering if you might have an answer to this one... now that I've seen EP3 a couple of times (and I'm assuming most people have by now so this shouldn't count as a Spoiler question), I'm wondering about Hasbro's choices in figure selection. Are the following characters even in Revenge of the Sith and I just missed them? And if not, why did Hasbro make figures for them then?

· Shaak Ti
· Mon Mothma
· Luminara Unduli
· Ask Aak
· Meena Tills

I assume that the last 2 senators could of been in the background somewhere, but I definitely don't recall seeing the first 3 in the film. -Rob

Luminara is in the movie briefly; she can be seen directing troops on Kashyyyk following the arrival of Yoda and the Clone task force. I’d have to double check to be sure, but I believe (don’t hold me to it) Shaak Ti only appeared in the movie as a hologram in the scene where Yoda confers with the Jedi Council from Kashyyk. Any other scenes that may have been filmed were cut from the final edit and may or may not turn up on the DVD; we’ll have to wait and see. Mon Mothma, Ask Aak, and Meena Tills most likely appeared in the scene where Bail Organa addresses a group of senators that appear to be displeased with Palpatine and the continuation of the war. The scene is in essence the beginning of the Rebel Alliance, but was eventually cut from the film for time. Most likely we’ll either see it added back into the movie on the DVD, or at least included as a deleted scene.

Where’s all the Vader figures? I can't find one anywhere! Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, TRU, Walgreen’s, nowhere! First I couldn't get a Lava Vader, then I didn't go to C3 for that figure and then missed out on the online buy-outs. Now the as regular figure is nowhere to be found, the deluxe figs are gone too. I can't even get one at Burger King! Are they ever going to make more? They always do, but I'm shocked at the popularity of this figure.

I can’t speak for the Burger King figure, the Lava Vader, or the C3 figure but Hasbro will continue to ship their basic and Action Assortment Vaders throughout the Summer. For obvious reasons the character is hot right now but keep checking; I actually found one fresh from the case this morning at Target so they are out there.

I was at my local target last night and found not one but two Anakin (#2) figures with Dooku saber variants one had a red saber and the other figure had a pink saber (like the one packaged with Dooku) packaged with it. I bought them both of course but I'm puzzled. Is the pink saber a packaging error or just another variant to drive us collectors to go out hunting? Please clear this up for me.

It’s a variant designed to either drive us all nuts, or to the poor house. Actually it looks like Hasbro just switched it so that the saber matched the one currently shipping with the Dooku figure. Aside from the color of the blade, the sabers appear to be identical. It is the third verified version of this figure though, which seems a little outta wack, but sometimes it takes that many tries before Hasbro is happy with the product that’s out on the shelf.

I was recently at a Star Wars celebration/meet & greet in Sacramento, California. One of the guests signing autographs was Nalini Krishan, who plays Barriss Offee. Among the various items to buy and have her sign, were "small" Barriss Offee figures on EP3 cards. They were kinda pricey so I passed them up for some pictures instead, thinking I would get one cheeper at a store later. Now I can’t find them anywhere, not in stores, not at Hasbro, not even on eBay. All I can find are the larger 12 in. size Offee figures. Do you know anything about a smaller Barriss Offee figure?

No, this is the first time I’ve heard of such a thing. Three possibilities: one, Hasbro packaged a certain number of these just for the signing, or two this is one of the twelve ROTS figures slated for later this year and Hasbro slipped her a few dozen early for the event, or three they were customs. I’m inclined to think it’s a case of option two, but there’s been nothing official to back that up. Without a picture there’s really not much more I can say. Hopefully this is a mystery that will be solved at Comic Con (or before if we get wind of it first…).

In light of the recent Burger King Super-D toy promotion I have been thinking about going back and collecting a set of the previous Taco Bell/KFC/Pizza Hut Defeat the Darkside toys. The problem is I'm uncertain as to how many different toys there were in this promotion and I have been unable to find a consistent list of figures or pics for most of them. The closest I have found was Rebelscum's list in the Restaurant Collectibles, but that does not have pics and isn't entirely correct (its missing the Boss Nass Squirter for example). Can you provide any help?

Well, best I can do at this point is dig out my Defeat the Darkside toys and photograph them for you… Honestly, that was so long ago now that I’m a bit rusty on the details of that promotion. I wanna say the Boss Nass squirters were infant toys, but I’ll have to ask around. I do have most of the toys handy and will get to work on photographing them for the Archives (I think Dan has these too) and hopefully we’ll piece everything back together to help you out. I think the food premiums are some of the ‘funnest’ collectibles out there, there’s certainly no good reason why we can’t lock the details down for you. Other than that I don’t of another site that would have the information handy. Check back soon, if anything pops up in the meantime I’ll mention it in the column.

I was wondering if there is going to be a bigger Star Wars vehicle coming out this time like how there has been the Royal Starship, the Millennium Falcon, Imperial Shuttle, and so on?

Every indication from Hasbro at C3 was no, there will not be any bigger vehicles for the Revenge of the Sith line. While at one point there was indication a Turbo Tank might be released, those plans were either cancelled or non-existent. Hasbro did hint at some exclusive vehicles this fall, but in light their overall comments on the difficulty of producing and selling large vehicles, I don’t imagine any of them will be of this variety. From the looks of it, the ARC-170 is about as big as we’ll see for this line.

Until next time...

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