Posted by Mark on October 20, 2005 at 04:16 PM CST
Questions for October 20, 2005
Q&A Archive

Is there a list of the new figures coming out that I can find out which are repacks, repaints and new figures? I saw on the list that came out the other day that it was done for the galactic heroes but not for the basic figures. -mike

So far a list detailing that type of information for the basic figure line is not available. We probably won't have that type of break down until we get to Toy Fair and see some of these figures first hand. As the first two assortments have shown us, we'll certainly see a fair mix of old and new figures next year, we'll be sure to pass along any information about the line that comes our way.

According to their website, Hasbro plans to release the two Clone Wars Volume 2 Commemorative DVD Collection action figure sets on December 1 at Wal*Mart. However, the DVD itself will be released on December 6. Does this mean that we need to make two trips to the store? I remember that when Clone Wars Volume 1 came out, the DVD and the Commemorative action figure sets were released on the same day. -Ismael

As it's posted it does look like we'll need to make two trips, not exactly sure why, but that's what it looks like. If the 'official' situation changes we'll be sure to let you know, but be prepared for Wal*Mart to hold the figures until the 6th to coincide with the DVD release.

I noticed that on the preview photo for the ROTS Tactical Ops Trooper he is holding an antenna, which is included with the Clone Trooper (Super Articulated). However, now that the page has been fully updated it shows that the Tactical Ops Trooper is a repaint of the AT-TE Tank gunner, not the Clone Trooper (Super Articulated). I am confused. -Jake

Our preview photo was taken at Comic Con, where Hasbro showed off their prototype for the figure. Occasionally prototypes can be slightly different than the final production figure, and in this instance that appears to be the case. Hasbro obviously used the Super Articulated version to mock up the Tactical Ops (501st) Trooper, but when it came to production decided to go with the AT-TE mold instead. Why would they do this you ask?

Hasbro has roughly four basic Clone body types in the line this year (not counting specialized troops, commanders, or the rather statuesque deluxe 3-pack versions). Hitting the market now we have Commander Gree, the Tactical Ops Trooper, the Target Assault on Coruscant Battle pack, and a good number of plain Clone troopers. In order to get all these trooper figures made and released in a timely manner, Hasbro had to use specific molds for each individual figure. If they had split production time on the Super Articulated mold for both Gree and the 501st trooper, they would have only been able to manufacture half as many of each during the production time allotted. In order to get a healthy number of what Hasbro knew would be two high demand figures out there, they made the call to use the AT-TE Gunner mold for the Tach. Ops figure instead of the Super-A mold. Obviously they made he right call, the figures are hard enough to find as it is, just image how much worse the situation would be if there were 50% less of them available to ship…

Is there any way to fight against scalpers? I've checked 4 targets every day for a month trying to find some of the final 12 and they're just not getting to the shelf. I've come across the new Wookiee 3 times and a Neimoidian Commander but the rest are all turning up at local shops for $20+. Same on any other exclusives as well (TRU, Wal*Mart, etc). What can I do besides pay four times retail?

The first step in the fight against scalping is to not support the scalpers. No matter how badly you feel you need or want 'that' figure, don't pay their price. Once they realize they can't sell the toys, they'll be more inclined to leave them behind. The next step is start networking with other collectors in your area. If you're all out there helping each other, you stand a better chance of beating the scalper to the goods, and denying him of his customer base. Let's face it, most moms and dads don't buy from scalpers, collectors do. If more collectors learned to rely on each other rather than on the scalpers to find their toys, we'd all be in a much better place.

Right to the point...Why the lack of Qui-Gon Jinn product? In my opinion, he's the most important Jedi Knight in the Star Wars Saga, maybe besides Luke Skywalker! I have not read or seen ANYTHING that even mentions Qui-Gon in Hasbro's 2006 Saga Collection. It could very well NOT BE a Saga if not for Qui-Gon Jinn in several different areas of Star Wars! I believe Qui-Gon Jinn deserves much more respect, and his character should be shown as much through action figure development!!!

Unfortunately it doesn't look like Hasbro shares your love of Qui-Gon Jinn. I don't think we've seen a Qui-Gon action figure since 2000 or 2001, and it doesn't look like we'll see one next year either. I suppose Hasbro feels the character is no longer in the spotlight, but it's clear that an updated version is in order. A lot of people have been suggesting he be included in a Jedi Knight Evolution set, or asking for an Unleashed version. Hopefully Hasbro will get around to either of these ideas eventually, looking at the Qui-Gon figures we do have, it's obvious some improvements would be a good thing.

What is the story behind the Toy's 'R' Us exclusive Emperor Palpatine [hologram]? Will it have an "official" release date like the Target exclusives? And will it be one of the exclusives that we will have to buy $20.00 worth of Star Wars stuff in order to get it? -Jason Wasulko

I'm not a real big believer in "official" release dates, if there is a specific date you're better off ignoring it for the most part. Some stores may hold the item until that day; others will have it out early, and in some cases may even put it out late. Your best course of action is to keep checking for yourself and keeping current on the latest collecting news. I believe the figure is timed to be out for the DVD release (November 1st) so it would be a good idea to start looking for it around that time. As for how to get the figure, typically it's free with a qualifying purchase ($20 or more), but many stores will sell it outright for the 'suggested retail value' (roughly $10). This will most likely vary per store, some have been known not to sell the figures by themselves, you'll just have to see how it plays out at your local TRU. If you're not a real big fan of in-store shopping, keep your eye on the Amazon/TRU web site, the figure will most likely be available there as well.

I was wondering why does the molded-in-hand lightsaber of Obi-Wan (slash attack) and lava reflection have the hilt he used in Episodes I and II, but the hilt accessory that comes with Obi-Wan slash attack is the correct hilt?

Hasbro started work on the ROTS line relatively early, right after Episode II in fact. At that time, there were very few details about the script or character designs. Hasbro basically guessed on some of these details and as we see with this figure, the final details were somewhat different by the time filming began. Apparently development of the figure was to the point where Hasbro didn't want to, or couldn't, make the correction once that detail was finalized, so we get an Obi-Wan with the wrong lightsaber. Evidently the hilt accessory was an easier fix, and that's why the correct version made it into the package.

Would you happen to know the DCPI numbers for the ROTS figures #64-68 and the DCPI numbers for the Kmart exclusive (Jedi Temple Assault) Battle Pack? It's been a real challenge to find either. -Johnny (Centennial, CO)

Figures #64 - #68 are Collection 2; the Target DCPI number for that series is 087-06-1328. Because the figures come in multiple waves, Customer Service will only be able to tell you if they have any Collection 2 figures in stock, not specific characters. If they call to the stock room for a location check, be sure to tell them you're looking for Wave 6. As for the Jedi Temple Assault Battle Pack, K-Mart doesn't use the DCPI system (that's Target only), but you can ask them to look the item up by its UPC code 6 53569 08971 1, or the part number 85838/85837. Hope that helps!

What's the chance that Hasbro will make a Kashyyyk clone trooper? They could use the head mold from the scout trooper and the body from a clone? Just repaint. I am so glad to see that Hasbro has finally recognized the popularity of troopers and increased not only the numbers available but the variations. I would really like them to make a medic trooper from Utapau. Are the droids in the multi-packs from EE going to be available separately from a retailer? My two obsessions are droids and clones. -Dave

I think the chances are good that Hasbro will eventually get around to making a carded version of the BARC Trooper, or Kashyyyk Scout/Clone Trooper. Hopefully they'll put a little more though into it than what you suggest, but it is one of the more requested figure we keep hearing about, and certainly deserves serious consideration. The Utapau medic, or Clone Sergeant as like to think of him, would be a cool figure - the helmet design was pretty interesting. No word yet if Hasbro will crank this one out, but I know for sure fans would gobble it up. Let's keep hoping.

As for the droids in the Entertainment Earth sets, there's no telling what the future holds, but these figures should only be available through EE, in these two sets, this year. As far as I know there are no plans to make any of these droids available by any other means.

I've been looking everywhere for the Playskool Jedi Force Boga and Obi-Wan. I finally called Playskool and they told me that they show that it was released this past March. They also do not show that it was cancelled. I noticed that a couple of months ago Rebelscum added the photo to the image archives. Do you know whatever happened to the toy? Did it come out and I missed it? I've been scouring auctions and stores since Toy Fair and have not seen it sold yet. -John M. Morea

I actually saw an un-opened case of these on the floor at my local Wal*Mart several weeks ago. I was tempted to open it up and grab one or two, but figured they would be stocked in the next day or so and I'd grab them then. Unfortunately, they never appeared after that (or they did and sold out…) and I still haven't seen them anywhere else. Best guess is they are somewhere in the system, but for one reason or another just haven't made it to the store level. Hang in there, with any luck we'll see these put out for the holiday rush, until then I suppose they'll just remain in DC limbo.

Until next time...

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