Posted by Mark on September 16, 2003 at 04:43 PM CST
Got Questions?

Questions for September 16, 2003
Q&A Archive

Rolling right along… Day three brings us ten more questions and one step closer to the big event. Thanks to everyone that sent a question in for this update, I'll look forward to questions from the rest of you soon!

On with the show:

From what we have seen and heard Obi-Wan will use both prequel and classic trilogy lightsabers in Episode III. My question is; the 'as first built by' Obi-Wan by Master Replicas has been sold out for some time, does this mean Master Replicas will not release an Episode III Obi-Wan saber? And also as seen in the picture of Episode III obi wan his saber hangs from the coverteck clip yet the as first built by... has the classic hook type how come?.

Hard to say, I would imagine a different version of the saber could be released for Episode III, but I can't see where it would be significantly different from the one we already have. Not that it has to be; changing the plaque alone probably wouldn't effect the collectiblity of the most recent version, nor would the limited availability of the 'as first built' version affect the Episode III edition. As you mentioned, the only difference that comes to mind would be the clip, which I guess would fall in line with another multi-version sabers they've done before - Darth Vader's. Another option would be to release it only as a signature version… We'll just have to see what they come up with. As for the reason of a hook and not a clip, I think it's safe to say the "as first built by" version is more the "pre-distressed" version of the A New Hope saber than anything directly related to Episode III. Master Replicas probably just thought it would be cool to offer it to collectors that wanted one; it's not like they've marketed it an Episode III preview item even though it clearly looks to be the one Obi-Wan ends up with in the final Prequel installment.

Has anyone made new acrylic cases for the new 3-pack clone trooper size or the 3-pack Jedi? It's smaller than the older size of say the Nexu or the target 4-packs; Imperial, biker, etc. If you could fish around that would be very cool of you. -Michael in Cleveland

So far nobody's offered a shell for these figures yet, but it's also a little early to expect one. I'd think the development of such a case would hinge on whether Hasbro continues the multi-pack assortment or not. Based on collector's reaction to them, I'd guess there's an excellent chance Hasbro will find other (Stormtroopers!) figures for this treatment, but nothing has been mentioned yet. If we hear of a case being offered, we'll be sure to mention it in the news.

This may sound like a dumb question but I've been wondering: how many versions of the Rebel Trooper are there? I've seen one in each of the POTF, POTJ and Saga lines...does that mean there are 3 in all? -Steve

Technically, there's really only been two. The first Power of the Force 2 Rebel Fleet Trooper was released back in '97, and the second Power of the Jedi Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender) in 2001. While there have been two variations of the Power of the Jedi figure, both are still essentially the same toy. If you wanted to count the variations you could say there's been four total, but a case could also be made the other way; it all depends on your point of view.

Do you know where I can find a list of Star Wars figures by year (including carded, deluxe, exclusives, and with vehicles)? I would like to see which year the figures came out and which year had the most and the fewest figures released during them. -Eddie

Good news, bad news; I know of a site that's working on a list like that, but it's not quite finished yet. Keep watching the front-page news; as soon as it's finished we'll be sure to make an announcement.

Do you have any idea where I could get a Riddell Miniature Boba Fett Helmet? I have checked various online shops and I haven't been able to find them anymore. -Chuck

Without question, the best place to look for one of these now a day is eBay. Boba Fett and the Stormtrooper mini-helmets sold pretty well, while the other three (Vader, 3PO, and Luke Skywalker's) can be found with some ease, these two are next to impossible. Hope that helps!

When you mentioned Wal-Mart would not be carrying Clone Wars toys beyond the basic figure line, does that include the Clone and Jedi Knight army three packs? It occurs to me I have yet to see them there, or at Target for that matter. Furthermore, both these retailers in my area (So Cal) have finished their fall toy dept. layouts with no indications on their peg walls for the three packs. So with Wal-Mart, and now possibly Target out of the picture, will Hasbro find some other way to distribute the three packs, or does this become yet another eBay exclusive? -Andre

According to what was said in San Diego, Wal-Mart has not picked up the multi-pack assortment; which includes the Clone Trooper and Jedi Knight Army 3-packs. Target, on the other hand has, though finding them there has proven difficult at best. Not to any fault of Hasbro or Target, the 3-packs have just been extremely popular. I haven't noticed any shelf tags for the multi-packs either (I'm in So. Cal. - Go Trojans - as well) but I have found a few Destroyer Droid launchers among the basic figures. My advice - keep looking; Target, Toys 'R' Us, and KB Toys are all carrying these sets, with enough perseverance you should be able to find them.

I store all of my collection in cardboard boxes (like most people) in the attic above my garage. How long will it take the packaged vehicles w/batteries to corrode and no longer work? Should I carefully open them and take all of the batteries out to preserve the value, or will the value remain, even if it's corroded or not? -Chad Comer

Depending on the conditions in your garage attic, the batteries will probably leak sooner or later. If it's kept cool, you may end up buying yourself some time, but if it gets hot you'll probably want to act quick. Weighing one against the other, an open box is probably better that one with battery acid pouring out of it. Still, a sealed box will be more valuable than an open one, even if the batteries inside are corroded. So long as there's no visible damage to the box, resale value should remain high. The gamble is risking whether or not any leakage will show.

I have been waiting for details concerning the Sept. Hasbro Auction (as I am sure many people are). Personally, I don't see how the "average" collector can win. Take me for instance - I have about 1600 points. Does that grantee that I am going to "win" anything cool? Do I have a chance against the ultra die-hard collectors? Your survey done on the probe droid only confirms this (16% have 10,000 plus points). So when I think of what Hasbro is going to offer (Silver Vader, R2D2, etc.), I don't see them having enough items to satisfy everyone who doesn't have 10,000 plus points. I feel that the 1600 some odd points (which is the same as 160 figures!) that I have collected shows my patronage to Hasbro and their license. Aren't I (and others like me) entitled to something? Personally, I would be happy if I could use my points towards getting a figure that has yet to be released (say Durge or something like that). This was the same practice used in the vintage line (minus auction). Sure, I would love a Toy Fare Vader or the Lucas Pilot. Somehow, I don't think that is going to happen. So I hope Hasbro gives the guys like me a shot at something by offering it in mass quantity. If they can't offer 1,000 Vaders and 1,000 Lucas Pilots - then offer us something that is already in production and that can be produced easily. What do you think? -Darth Parker

The Jedi Point auctions are only one means by which collectors can use their Jedi Points, while nothing has been announced otherwise, there could be some cool offers down the line that use the points as well. Personally, I wouldn't mind an early figure or two either, or some other item that compliments my collection. However, for now anyways, the auctions are what they are and the spoils will obviously go to the highest bidder. While we're still waiting for details, I suppose Hasbro could always offer items at set point levels via a feature like 'Buy It Now,' but we just won't know until the auctions start. Depending on what kinds of items are offered, how many of each, and how many auctions run at a given time, there could be plenty of opportunities for average collectors with limited point to win some good stuff. I know I'd like to pick up an extra Sacul figure to open, but if Hasbro offers up any Action Fleet prototypes or samples; Jorgie boy is gonna have to wait… Your concerns are certainly legitimate, clearly there will be those with more points than others, but I have to think Hasbro will take that into account and make the playing field as level as possible so that everyone has fun with this. I will pass your thoughts onto Hasbro for their consideration, for now I wouldn't worry too much about it but with all the new toys showing up it probably wouldn't hurt to bank a few more Jedi Points before October.

I have two questions. One, and this may have been answered before, but I missed it, where in AOTC is the preview figure droid (R3-T7) seen? And second, with great diligence and four or five trips to Toys 'R Us, Kay-Bee, Target, etc. a week, I've managed to get my hands on almost every individual figure, multi-pack, and vehicle released this year. With several, the time I bought them was the only time I saw them. The one thing I never found was the Anakin and Dooku speeders. Will these, like earlier 2003 waves are now, eventually find their way to shelves or are they items I should resign myself to shelling out $20+ for online? Patience has rewarded me this year with figures, but I know sometimes it's better to pay double at an on-line retailer than even more on e-bay a year down the road.

We did answer this before; while R3-T7 didn't actually appear in Attack of the Clones, the droid can be seen in some behind the scenes footage found on the R2-D2 Mockumentary. Judging by the footage, R3 was used on set during the Coruscant Chase sequence, once the action moved to street level. To your second question I have some really good news; both Darth Tyranus on Speeder Bike and Anakin on Swoop Bike are available now at for the price of $14.99. While there's still a chance the two could show up in store or possibly at KB's clearance sale, this is certainly a good price on some very cool toys, if you can stand the risk of shipping.

Is the new C-3PO that comes with the escape pod going to have articulated knees? (God, I hope so- 3p0 is a figure that could look aesthetically pleasing with knee joints that actually bend).

Is the Vader Death Star Clash figure an entirely new sculpt or just a re-hash?

I know about the Jedi Points auctions coming up, and I just wondered if the pre-Jedi points proofs-of-purchases count for anything towards the auctions? -"DJ CRUSH"

Much to my disappointment, it doesn't look like this 3PO will have any additional articulation. Considering it looked like the figure will be painted and not vac-metalized, I was really hoping for jointed knees, but judging by this recent eBay auction, the prototype doesn't show such features. I can't help but agree with you though, this is something Hasbro needs to try at some point; heck, I'll even take an Episode I or II version with more articulation.

Darth Vader (Death Star Clash) is a re-release of the same Vader from the Masters of the Dark Side 2-pack. So yes, it's a re-hash… but a cool one nonetheless.

It doesn't look like the pre-Jedi Master Point proof of purchase seals will be valid in the Jedi Point auctions. Hasbro has indicated the points marked on the seals will be what's counted, not the bar code or UPC. Basically, if the points aren't there, there ain't no points… Final rules and details for the auctions should be released shortly, but I don't expect this to change.

Until next time...