Last fall,
fans united to decide which figures would be brought back from the past in
The 30th Anniversary Collection's new subline, which will be called
Saga Legends.

This wave was also chosen by Hasbro before the tournament began, and includes a number of army builders, main characters targeted towards kids, and several pilot figures for the vehicles in the TAC line.
SAGA LEGENDS: Boba Fett(originally VOTC Boba Fett)
The best of the best, this VOTC version of the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy will be back, complete with his
Return of the Jedi armor.
SAGA LEGENDS: Obi-Wan Kenobi(originally ROTS Obi-Wan Kenobi III-55)
Revenge of the Sith pilot figure is back, ready to fly his starfighter into battle.
SAGA LEGENDS: Chewbacca(originally ROTS Chewbacca III-05)
Another popular character with fans old and young, this figure was changed to the
Revenge of the Sith figure as a result of the voting.
SAGA LEGENDS: Darth Vader(originally ROTS Anakin Skywalker III-02)
Another popular figure from
Revenge of the Sith, this figure also works well as a pilot. This figure will be a hit with kids, who will need a pilot for Anakin's Jedi Starfighter.
SAGA LEGENDS: Saesee Tiin(originally ROTS Saesee Tiin III-30)
Speaking of pilots (anyone notice the trend?), this
Revenge of the Sith figure will be a must-have when his ship is released. This figure has been given an addition of the soft goods cloak from the
Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious battle pack.
SAGA LEGENDS: Destroyer Droid(originally SAGA Destroyer Droid III-44)
Another droid from
The Phantom Menace, this figure will give the clones something to fight.
SAGA LEGENDS: 501st Clone Trooper(originally MIA)
One of the most popular clones from
Revegne of the Sith will be upgraded to the SA sculpt we all want, with all-new clean armor.
Hey wait a minute...that's not the Super-Articulated sculpt...what's going on here?(I'll come back to this one...)
SAGA LEGENDS: Princess Leia - Boushh Disguise(originally TSC Princess Leia SAGA-001)
As seen in
Return of the Jedi, one of the best figures from 2006 will be back.
SAGA LEGENDS: Sandtrooper(originally part of the Evolutions set)
One of the Final 4 from the tournament, this soldier of the Empire from
A New Hope will be back for fans to build up their armies. This figure will be marked as "Saga Legends Fan's Choice"
Hey, that's not the Evolutions sculpt! What the heck is going on?As you no doubt may have noticed, the
501st Clone Trooper and the
Sandtrooper are NOT the figures that were originally announced last fall. This is because this wave was originally chosen by Hasbro prior to the tournament, and the fan votes had not been finalized. When the tournament ended, the dirty Sandtrooper Sergeant (with white pauldron) and the SA 501st Clone Trooper (with clean armor) were picked as the versions for this wave.
The images you see here are NOT the final production figures. Aside from the incorrect sculpt, the Sandtrooper does not have the "Fan's Choice" sticker on the bubble. Since these changes were made some time ago, it's a mystery why we're seeing them in this form now, but rest assured we're looking into the problem.