Sunday morning the crowd lined up starting at about 5:30am on a cold, rainy day outside the Capitol Avenue entrance for the 6:00am entrance. Once inside the bleary eyed fans checked in with their Breakfast tickets and received a red wristband and red ticket for the prize drawings.
Mary Franklin, Lucasfilm Fan Event specialist and editor of Bantha Tracks, hosted the event and promised that things would go off at this breakfast without a hitch. (I guess there was some confusion for autographs at the Jay Laga'aia breakfast on Friday). She introduced Warwick Davis who came out and said a few words, then got started signing an item brought by the fans. Each table had a small card with his picture on it and a blank spot for his signature, in case you didn't bring something else.
The lines for his pic were done very orderly by wrist band number, about 20 or so people at a time. Davis also posed for pictures with nearly every fan.
During this whole time a great breakfast was served, a lot better than some others I've heard tale of. And Mary started the raffle drawing for the various items. Prizes at this Fan Club Breakfast included two sets of limited edition THX computer speakers, a pair of Wicket the Ewok cookie jars, a Ben Kenobi cookie Jar, Celebration 1 and 2 limited edition badge sets (some with autographs!), Celebration 2 folding chair, a 1983 Ewok lunch box, some Ewok Movie posters and the Episode 1 MTT Pepsi Drink cooler from Japan.
This will from now on be dubbed the East/West breakfast. Because as Mary drew at least the first 10 tickets, only fans seated on the East side of the room won. Not only did Steve Sansweet get up and try to break the "curse", but special guest Jay Laga'aia came in (on his way to the 501st picture) to lend a hand, as did Warwick's manager and several of Mary's staff. Finally several members from the West side walked away with prizes.
As mentioned, Steve Sansweet was also on hand to chat with fans as was Lisa Stevens, president of the fan club, and Pablo Hidalgo with the infamous Hyperspace webcam. Each attendee was also treated to a C3 Darth Vader figure at the table and a bag of goodies from the Lucasfilm archives upon leaving. These bags contained things such as Ewok animation cells, a Star Wars tie, various packs of Topps cards and other Ewok related items.
Having never been to a Fan Club Breakfast before this was a refreshing change of pace from the actual convention. There was no pushing or griping (except in fun by those on the losing side of the drawings) and the atmosphere was enjoyable with a bunch of great fans that I enjoyed chatting with.
For those that missed out you can check out some of what was going on in
this photo gallery.