Posted by Adam on September 4, 2014 at 11:38 PM CST
Is it too early for Christmas ornaments? Not at the Toys R Us in Sanford, Florida, where Rebelscum reader Chickaphant found several ornaments, including a new one of Chopper in addition to some repeats from previous years, such an R2-D2, Yoda, Vader, and two funky glass ones of Vader and a Stormtrooper. Chickaphant goes on to say:
I asked the associate as I checked out if they knew of any other ornaments and they said there should be a ball ornament for Star Wars Rebels at about $4.00. The associate also said that they were instructed to put out all end of the year holiday items as they arrived, so we will be seeing a mixture of holiday surprises hitting shelves from now on at this store.
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