Posted by Dustin on July 2, 2008 at 06:09 AM CST

Matt Busch's new huge art book, The Worlds of Matt Busch, has been released! Collecting all the entertainment and pop culture genres he's been involved with, the book covers everything from Hollywood to Horror to Music art and good girl pin-ups. Lucasfilm has also approved an entire section of rare STAR WARS art that Busch has produced over the years!

To find out how you can get a copy, head over to to see a list of places where you can order the book for even cheaper than retail!

To help promote the book, a hilarious infomercial parodying cheesy 80's K-Tel Record ads has been released with a great look at what you'll find in the book.

Check it out below:

The Worlds of Matt Busch - Infomercial
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