Posted by Curto on August 28, 2006 at 01:52 PM CST
So many questions, so little space... Many other Star Wars collecting sites also submitted questions you need answered, so if you want to know the latest answers from this week's Hasbro Star Wars Weekly Q&A Session, here's a handy guide to help you get all the info.

From Behind The Toys:
1) Over the years, we've seen many changes in the price of a basic figure. Anywhere from $4.99 to $6.99. Is the current price the new norm, or will the MSRP increase/decrease for 2007?

2) Has Hasbro ever considered selling prototypes as part of their site?

3) Has Hasbro considered offering small amounts of booth space at shows for certain collector sites / fans to use to educate people or show off their collections? This could be an interesting way to involve the SW community and have value-add for booth visitors.

Click here for the answers to these questions.

1) How will the continued the increase in oil prices affect toy production for Hasbro? Will it mean that we'll see more repaints and reissues as opposed to new sculpts? Will Hasbro be cutting back on production numbers or raising prices to compensate?

2) With the announcement of the upcoming Darth Revan figure from the KOTR line of video games, there is an opportunity to have a figure, like ROTS Anakin #50, that could be two figures in one. One figure would wear the armor, mask, and cloak, while the other character, without giving away the ending, could be the actual jedi/sith character you play. How about it?

3) A few customizers have made versions of the unique playable characters in the Battlefront video game series. Although there was one exclusive Scout Trooper for the first release, we'd love to see figures like the Rebel Sniper, Battledroid Sniper, 501st Jet Trooper, Arc Trooper Heavy Gunner, or AOTC Clone Jet Trooper be produced. In most cases, these figures could be repaints with new accurate weapons or accessories. This could be a repack internet exclusive through LucasArts or, even better, a Battlepack with copies of the games now that the price has come down. Is this even remotely a possibility or are we dreaming here?

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From Galactic Hunter:
1) Republic Gunship Gunner Pods— why not?

2) When a toy is canceled, what happens to it? Is the concept (assuming that it was developed enough) mothballed for future consideration?

3) How does the team go about pitching and developing Battle Pack concepts? How do they decide which figure gets a re-deco, which pieces can be "repurposed" or repainted to form a new piece, and what ties it all together?

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From Jedi Defender:
1) Remember the RotS Sneak Preview Astromech Droid (R4-G9)? That is one killer Astromech sculpt (I love the retractable leg feature) and fans were thrilled to see it re-used for the EntertainmentEarth Droid 5-Packs. Our question is, when are you going to give us that sculpt with R2-D2's paint scheme?

2) In 2007, will we see any basic figure "sub-lines" like the Ep3 Heroes and Villians or the Ep3 Greatest Battles Assortments?

3) The holster thigh-strap on the 2006 Garindan figure is a nice upgrade from previous figures that had the strap sculpted to the leg but not attached to the holster (example = VOTC Han, VTSC Endor Han). Is this something that could be standard now on all future Han Solo figures?

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From Jedi Insider:
1) Will we see a new version of the Mace Windu figure released thats on par (Articulation wise) with the Evolution of Anakin or the ROTS Obi-Wan pilot figures?

2) Do you have any plans for a 'torn shirt' version of the upcoming Geonosis Padme' figure shown at SDCC?

3) Will we ever see Admiral Piett at any time in the future?

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From Jedi Temple Archives:
1) Back to you favorite something of a suggestion: You recently stated that you have 3 different Mock-ups of a Death Star playset in your offices. What if you turn those 3 in to modules & offer 1 at each of their major exclusive carriers, Target, Wal-Mart & TRU? It would drive traffic to all 3 retailers and finally give us addicts what we've been waiting almost 30 years for...

2) Can you tell us when we can expect to see the following Titanium vehicles and Die Cast Figures that were revealed at the SDCC to hit the shelves?

Vehicles: Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (Clone Wars), ARC-170 (Clone Wars Deco), AT-AT (Endor), AT-ST, AT-TE, Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter, Dewback with Sandtrooper, Grievous' Starship, Invisible Hand, Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Ring, Naboo Star Skiff, Naboo Starfighter (Blue), Republic Gunship (Yellow nose markings), Sith Speeder with Darth Maul, Snowspeeder, Speeder Bike with Ewok, Swamp Speeder (with AT-RT Drivers), Tantive IV, X-Wing (Dagobah), X-Wing (Red 2), Y-Wing (Red Deco).

Die Cast Figures: Clone Captain (Ep. II), Luke Skywalker (Hoth Pilot), R2-D2 (Invisible Hand).

3) Will the Hasbro Toy Shop be carrying the last wave of 2006 basic figures that is slated as a Wal-Mart exclusive?

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1) The POTF2, POTJ and E1 lines all have 2 or 4 digit numbers that would increase every time a change is made to that card (i.e. .00 to .01)

Why was this practice stopped?

2) Why has the Canadian line remained intact and not been replaced just by throwing French stickers on American cards?

3) The Endor wave shipped with little black stickers on the bottom of the figures' bubble. What's the purpose of such stickers, and what do those four symbols actually mean on the bottom of the insert?

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From Sandtroopers:
1) How come Hasbro hasn't made it out to Wizard World Chicago in three years?

2) Recently a report in the news stated there was a loss for Star Wars for Hasbro. Will this affect or change any plans to the current lines?

3) Are any plans for a Playskool Galactic Heroes TIE Fighter vehicle to go along with the X-Wing Fighter vehicle currently out?

4) With the 30th anniversary next year, the majority of the figures released will be from A New Hope. Will these figures be new sculpts, or simply re-released figures from years past. Will there be more creatures/aliens from the Cantina made?

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NEW: From Star Wars Action News:
1) Recently it was reported that China's cheap labor workforce was dwindling. I believe most collectors recall the effects the port strikes had on Star Wars toy distribution a couple of years ago; should collectors start to be concerned that the Chinese labor crunch may have similar effects in the near future, such as limited or late shipping of the new '07 figures and vehicles?

2) I believe previously we asked about the difficulties in finding a titanium Bossk with a consistent paint application to the legs; collectors are now finding a similar situation with the titanium 501st trooper. The "battle damage" is symmetrical in many cases, and the paint on the legs is leaving the bare metal below exposed. I can personally say it looks much less attractive than the prototype on display at the San Diego Comic Con. Will there be any running changes to the Titanium figure line to correct these paint apps on Bossk or the 501st trooper, or if not, will the paint application process be reviewed for future figures?

3) What figure has been most acclaimed by fans? Which figure suffered the most backlash?

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From SW Collector:
1) Will the Halfire Droid and ATT vehicles for the 3-3/4" line come in Saga Collection packaging or in 30th Anniversary packaging, and when can we expect them in stores?

2) The 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin sets shown at Comic-Con revealed the EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE set will feature the Evolutions Darth Vader, but with the head of Hayden Christensen in REVENGE OF THE SITH underneath the removable helmet. With only four years taking place between ANH and RETURN OF THE JEDI, shouldn't the head still be the Sabastian Shaw one used on the Evolutions Darth Vader from 2005?

3) With a new Han Solo in Stormtrooper Disguise coming out in the Expanded Universe comic book two-packs and rumors of a new Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise also coming in that line, could we possibly see those figures released in movie-accurate paint decorations at some point?

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From The Jawa:
1) The Target Exclusive Kit Fisto Jedi Starfighter appears to be a repaint of the EPISODE II Jedi Starfighter. The three Kit Fisto figures that have been issued to date(Episode II SAGA, Clone Wars, Revenge Of The Sith) will not fit in the EPISODE II Jedi Starfighter. Will this new Kit Fisto fighter be modified to accomodate the Kit Fisto figures? Or can we expect a smaller version of Kit Fisto that will fit within this vehicle?

2) With the large number of figures in The Saga Collection (thank-you!), we're fast approaching a point where a '600th' figure could be released. Are you planning anything special for that milestone?

3) The newly posted picture of 'The Battle Above the Sarlacc' has stirred a frenzied interest in the Skiff. When is Hasbro going to re-release it?!?

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From Yakface:
1) Could we be seeing a super-articulated Mace Windu in the near future? There are a lot of fans that want him, so you would make a lot of fans happy by producing this figure!

2) Will there be more Heroes and Villians/Greatest Battles figures this year? Next year maybe?

3) Hasbro, do you ever intend to realease figures like C3P0 Reveals with Anthony Daniel's head or Chewbacca Reveals with Peter Mayhew's head?

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From Yoda's News:
1) The next time you have an exclusive(s) on, will you be able to handle the traffic without the site shutting down or freezing up or never loading? It's pretty frustrating for those who tried to order and were not able to get what they wanted because the site was so bogged down.

2) For years I have been wondering if Hasbro will ever like produce a behind the scenes documentary on how your toys are made, from the first stages of design to the final product and packing. Not only would it be great to see other lines, but more importantly the Star Wars line. Would the Hasbro Division ever consider this?

3) Next time you have Exclusives on HTS, can you have orders for say the Star Wars exclusive be at a different time than the Transformers exclusive? That made it twice as hard to get your order in?

Click here for the answers to these questions.
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