Posted by Curto on September 12, 2006 at 08:42 AM CST
From Rebelscum reader Jeremy S.
I thought my fellow rebelscum readers should know that the exclusive comics that come with the Wal-Mart DVDs are actually five dollars extra. My wife went to pick up DVDs today at the Hudson-Ridge Wal-Mart and was disappointed that these were not giveaways with the DVD but that DVDs packaged with the book were five bucks more. Not a huge expense, but it's the principle.
Update: Looks like prices may vary...Joshua writes in with this update:
I think Jeremy S. got ripped off - I bought the Trilogy w/ comics at a Wal*Mart in St. Paul this morning and they were the same price as the non-comic book version ($19.98)
Update #2: We've been hearing from readers across the country that the prices for the Wal-Mart DVDs vary from 14.98 to 19.98 for both the comic AND non-comic versions. Not sure what the price will be in your area, but you might want to keep this in mind.