Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of
Star Wars, look for Commemorative Tin Collections featuring favorite characters from the past along with some "new" figures as well, each packed in the vintage 2-pack style and sealed up inside a collector's tin.
Commemorative Tin Collection 4 of 6 from
Episode IV - A New Hopethis set includes:
NEW! Sandtrooper Sergeant - a repaint of Sandtrooper SAGA-037 with removable helmet
Princess Leia - repacked from the Early Bird Kit
NEW! Darth Vader - retool from the Evolutions figure
C-3PO -repacked VOTC figure

Commemorative Tin Collection 5 of 6 from Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
this set includes:
NEW! Snowtrooper retool of Snowtrooper 03-19, now with removable helmet
Luke Skywalker - repaint of SAGA's 04-03 figure
Han Solo - repack of SAGA's 03-13 (brown-coat version)
NEW! Chewbacca - retool of VOTC Chewbacca with new head

Commemorative Tin Collection 6 of 6 from Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
this set includes:
NEW! Scout Trooper - retool of VTSC Biker Scout now with flip-up visor
NEW! Darth Vader - retool of the 500th Figure
NEW! Princess Leia - repaint of Princess Leia Collection figure with new soft goods.
NEW! Rebel Commando - repaint of Endor Rebel Soldier with new head and removable helmet