Posted by D. Martin on November 9, 2010 at 04:51 PM CST
The fact that almost thirty-three years after the very first set of Star Wars figures were released you are reading this edition of eBay Today is proof that Star Wars should forever be on store shelves as 3 3/4" plastic figures. In hindsight it is clear, but two years after Return Of The Jedi, the popular opinion was that Star Wars was not forever.

Even though Kenner continued to produce amazing figures based on the three films, the interest in 1985 just wasn't there. Without a new film in production, the draw of the two offshoot cartoons, and Marvel Comics' funny books simply wasn't enough, and in a last ditch effort to keep Star Wars a leading property in the toy aisle Kenner introduced the packed in silver coloured aluminum coin premiums.

The last wave of movie figures under the all-encompacing banner 'The Power Of The Force', along with the first -and only- waves of the 'Droids' and 'Ewoks', included a special character-specific coin. Even with a new ad campaign promoting The Power Of The Force line, which as you know included the first A New Hope figure since 1979, the coins did little to keep sales up, and with that Star Wars was forced to fade away in the discount aisle. And fade away it did for almost a decade.

When the coins were being produced, Kenner created a very small quantity of framed coin set. It is believed that only ten sets were created. Three sets are believed to be in Lucasfilm's possession, and the other seven sets were given to the executives within Kenner. The sets contained two of every coin produced, and it is believed that some of the coins, if not all of them, could be pre-production pieces. At least one of the sets found featured a 'Sail Barge' coin, which in production became the 'Sail Skiff' coin (and there are even two versions of that one...)*.

These very rare framed sets feature two of each of the 62 coins intended for The Power Of The Force collection, and they were set displayed front then back to show both sides of the coins. In addition to these 62 coins, Kenner also created 12 gold coloured Droids coins and 6 bronze coloured Ewoks coins.

At the time this edition of eBay Today was published, there is one set available on eBay. While we do not discourage anyone from buying this set, we would like to remind any and all potential buyers to be aware of the low feedback of the seller, and to encourage anyone interested in this set to do a little legwork to protect themselves.


*There were a few coins in this collection that had variations, but that is the topic for another day...