Posted by D. Martin on November 21, 2010 at 02:18 AM CST
If you aren't following eBay Today and this is your first read, make sure to check out Power Of The Force Coin Set Part I before reading this edition.

Beyond the sets mentioned in part I there were two other ways to acquire a complete set of all 62 standard coins in the collection. Both involved a special mail away promotion, the last of its kind for Kenner's vintage Star Wars collection, that enabled collectors to send away for single randomly selected coins. This promo, unlike the ones that proceeded it, involved Kenner sending US distributors and stores rolls of large yellow rectangular stickers to affix to the front of their remaining Return Of The Jedi action figure stock. As it turned out, retailers with peg warmers from The Empire Strikes Back collection also stickered the older stock. At the point of this edition's publication there are no known records of stickered Star Wars cards, but they may also exist. This promotion began before The Power Of The Force line hit shelves.

The send away sticker stated that collectors wishing to receive a single randomly selected coin had to mail in the sticker (not peeled, but cut directly off of the card), the figure's Proof Of Purchase, and the cashier's receipt for the figure. While many tried to complete the 62 coin set this way, the odds were against them, and it is a good bet that no one achieved their goal.

There were some collectors that looked past the stipulations of the offer itself and contacted Kenner's customer service to enquire about purchasing a complete set directly and Kenner agreed to it. It is believed that the cost of a complete set was between $29-35. This, as you have likely guessed, is the second way collectors were able to acquire a complete set... and there is little doubt it was the easiest, most cost effective way to go about it. All 62 coins were in individual ziplock baggies, within a larger plastic bag, and shipped in a brown padded envelope just like this one linked below.


In case you are interested in going down this specific collecting road, here is a complete list of all 62 coins in The Power Of The Force coin collection:

A-Wing Pilot -Rebel
Anakin Skywalker -Jedi
AT-ST Driver -Empire
B-Wing Pilot -Rebel
Barada -Skiff Sentry
Bib Fortuna -Major Domo
Biker Scout -Empire
Boba Fett -Bounty Hunter
C-3PO -Protocol Droid
Chewbacca -Wookiee
Chief Chirpa -Ewok Leader**
Darth Vader -Lord Of The Sith
Emperor -Galactic Ruler
Emperor's Royal Guard -Empire**
EV-9D9 -Torture Droid
FX-7 -Medical Droid
Gamorrean Guard -Palace Sentry
Greedo -Bounty Hunter
Han Solo -Carbon Freeze
Han Solo -Rebel (Endor Gear)
Han Solo -Rebel Fighter (Tatooine Gear)
Han Solo -Rebel Hero (Hoth Gear)**
Hoth Stormtrooper -Empire
Imperial Commander -Empire
Imperial Dignitary -Empire
Imperial Gunner -Empire
Jawas -Desert Scavengers
Lando Calrissian -Rebel General
Lando Calrissian -Rebel General (Bespin Gear)
Logray -Ewok**
Luke Skywalker Jedi (X-Wing Gear)
Luke Skywalker -Jedi Knight
Luke Skywalker -Jedi Knight (Bespin Gear)
Luke Skywalker -Rebel Leader (Endor Gear)
Luke Skywalker -Rebel Leader (Hoth Gear)
Luke Skywalker -Rebel Leader (Stormtrooper Disguise)
Luke Skywalker -Rebel Leader (Tatooine Gear)**
Lumat -Ewok Warrior
Obi-Wan Kenobi -Jedi Master
Paploo -Ewok
Princess Leia -Boushh
Princess Leia -Rebel Leader (Diplomatic Mission Gear)
Princess Leia Organa -Rebel Leader (Endor Gear)
R2-D2 -Rebel Droid
Romba -Ewok
Star Destroyer Commander
Star Wars AT-AT
Star Wars Creatures**
Star Wars Droids
Star Wars Millennium Falcon
Star Wars Sail Skiff
Stormtrooper -Empire
Teebo -Ewok
TIE Fighter Pilot -Empire**
TOO-ONEBEE -Medical Droid
Tusken Raider -Sandpeople
Warok -Ewok
Wicket -The Ewok
Yak Face -Bounty Hunter*
Yoda -The Jedi Master
Zuckuss -Bounty Hunter

The coins in the bold font were never released on US cards.

* Yak Face with a coin was only found to exist on the Canadian card back, though there is no solid proof any of the POTF figures were actually released in Canada. This figure, on the Kenner Canada card, has been found in Australia, distributed by Toltoys.

** While not on POTF cards, these coins were packaged on ROTJ cards in Japan manufactured by Tsukuda Hobby. In addition to the inclusion of the coin, these cards were shrink wrapped with an additional white cardboard backer card, likely to support the integrity of the card during the shrink wrapping process.. At the time of this edition's publication, no other Japanese ROTJ coin cards have be documented as legitimate, but it is believed that other coins/cards may exist.