Posted by Chris on April 26, 2014 at 11:23 PM CST
There have been several different Star Wars vehicle lines over the years like the Micro Machines, the Action Fleet Series and the more recent Titanium Series. Now, Disney is creating a new highly detailed Diecast Vehicle line and we got to see several of the prototypes. It's important to note that these are in fact prototypes and not finished product, so any mistakes or inaccuracies you might notice are not going to be produced that way. The smaller vehicles will retail for $9.95 while the larger deluxe vehicles will be $19.95. Each vehicle features some type of moving part and all will be cast in metal.

Millennium Falcon

AT-AT Walker

X-Wing Fighter

Slave I

Speeder Bike


Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 Starfighter

TIE Fighter

Other vehicles in the works include a Star Destroyer and a B-Wing! If I had to compare these to the size of a previous vehicle line, I would say it's closest to the scale of the Action Fleet Series.
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