has just revealed several new exclusive items that were meant to be offered at this years canceled
Star Wars Celebration Anaheim event. Included in that list are the following items from Gentle Giant Ltd.

A First Order Stormtrooper Mini Bust at $120.00 (Gentle Giant Ltd. Web Exclusive)

A First Order Stormtrooper Officer at $120.00 (Gentle Giant Ltd. Web Exclusive)

A First Order Stormtrooper Deluxe Mini bust at $200.00 (Gentle Giant Ltd. Premier Guild Exclusive)No word yet on when these will be available to order, but we'll be sure to update this post with that information as soon as it's available. A few things worth noting...
• At $200.00 each, the First Order Stormtrooper Deluxe Mini Bust becomes the most expensive Mini Bust ever offered
• This is the second First Order Stormtrooper to get the Mini Bust treatment as the first was offered in 2016 with the
Star Wars: The Force Awakens title on the box
• All three Mini Busts are brand new sculpts