Posted by Chris on July 25, 2014 at 02:57 PM CST
The presentation kicked-off with eFX Collectibles, Bryan Ono showed/discussed:

- McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper helmet, the prototype of which could be seen at their booth.
- Life-sized Yoda Puppet, cast from an original head, feet, hand, teeth, and cane molds acquired from the late Stuart Freeborn. Clothes were were patterned from the actual robes out of the Lucasfilm archives.

Sideshow Collectibles followed. Matt Bischof showing off some of the terrific sixth-scale line:

- Echo and Fives Arc Clone troopers
- Scout trooper and Speeder Bike
- R2-D2 (with dome-lightsaber, touch-sensor lights, sail barge serving tray, and more)
- C-3PO (weathered in all ABS plastic for a pre-oil bath look)
- X-Wing Luke Pilot
- TIE Fighter Pilot

Dave stepped up to show the 1:5 Scale Statue line:

- McQuarrie Stormtrooper, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett

New to the Premium Format:

- Commander Cody (shipping next month)
- Savage Opress
- Boba Fett
- Darth Vader (exclusive tio include swap-out head)
- Sandtrooper

Legendary Scale:

- Obi-Wan Kenobi (just went up for pre-order)
- Darth Vader (pre-order by end of year)


- Boba Fett
- Darth Vader
- Yoda
- Han Carbonite

After Sideshow was the Rebelscum 2014 Licensee of the Year Kotobukiya. Dan Lujan covered:

- Han Solo and Chewbacca ARTFX+ two-pack for this fall (with magnets on the feet)
- Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia ARTFX+ two-pack
- R2-M5 ARTFX+ (with coin) limited edition Barnes & Noble exclusive
- 1/7- Scale ARTFX ESB Darth Vader (looking to add electronics to this figure)
- Snowtrooper 2-Pack ARTFX+ Statues (multiple pieces for different poses)
- Yoda & R2-D2 with Dagobah paint apps ARTFX+
- Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH ARTFX+ (with removable hood)
- Female Stormtrooper Bishoujo ARTFX statue
- Light up lightsaber chopsticks (Mace Windu, Yoda, Vader, and Luke)
- Pouch Sandwich Shapers in the shape of Stormtroopers, Vader, and R2-D2
- Boiled Egg Shaper in the shape of a variety of characters including Vader, Stormtrooper, R2-D2, the SW logo, etc.

Finally was Ashley Powell from Gentle Giant Ltd., who kicked things off with a video showing a huge assortment of minibusts, Jumbo figures (Jabba and throne), statues, maquettes, and life-sized vintage monuments, covering both the original and prequel trilogy as well as the upcoming Rebels series.
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