Posted by Adam on August 12, 2013 at 11:50 PM CST
Following up on the horror show that we reported in our previous story, we have received some great news from Rebelscum forum member BobaFrank82, and some slightly-less great news from IndyCast correspondent Mitch Hallock.

The great news from BobaFrank82 is that his Slave I arrived double boxed in a white mailer brown shipper with packing paper in the box and the packaging itself was completely flawless in glorious minty fresh condition!

However, Mitch let us know that he received his in just the plain white mailer.

At this point, Amazon is aware of the problem, but no discussion has been made on how they will deal with these issues.

If you have ordered Slave I, then please let us know what state it's in when it arrives and let's hope that most arrive double-boxed!
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