LUKE SKYWALKER (Jabba's Palace)

Source: (Return of the Jedi)

Year / Release: 2004 / No. 04

Assortment: Tatooine

Assortment No.: 84731/84715

Retail: $4.99

Weapons and Accessories: 

  • Cloak
  • Lightsaber
  • Skiff Guard Blaster
  • Base

Comments: Hiding his identity, Luke went to Jabba the Hutt's palace on a mission to rescue Han Solo, frozen in carbonite and a macabre wall sculpture in the crime lord's abode, Luke attempted to use Jedi mind tricks to influence the Hutt to free Solo, but the loathsome slug of a gangster was immune to such techniques. Jabba captured Luke and cast him into the rancor pit for a battle to the death.

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