LANDO CALRISSIAN (Jabba's Sail Barge)

Source: (Return of the Jedi)

Year / Release: 2004 / No. 07

Assortment: Jabba's Palace

Assortment: 84743/84715

Retail: $4.99

Weapons and Accessories: 

  • Blaster
  • Helmet
  • Vibro-Axe
  • Base

Comments: As part of a daring mission to rescue Han Solo, Lando inflitrated Jabba the Hutt's palace by concealing himself in the armor of one of Jabba the Hutt's many skiff guards. When Luke Skywalker sprang his rescue mission over the Great Pit of Carkoon, the skiff guards were startled when one of their own turned on them and revealed himself to be a Rebel infiltrator. Disposing of the guards, Lando piloted the rescue skiff that spirited away the Rebels.

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