Posted by Jay on April 14, 2015 at 11:00 AM CST
By now you should have at least looked over the lis of Events at Celebration Anaheim. Hopefully you've made your list of what you must see, what you want to see and what just looks like fun! If not, you've only got a couple of days to figure it all out!

Are you planning to see The Force Unleashed event on Thursday morning? If so, make sure you've read the rules for lining up for this unique opportunity. (Yea, Lines!!) Make sure that your "must see panels haven't moved rooms, or times. You can always check the online guide at the official Celebration site or check at the convention to make sure that there have not been any last minute changes.

Besides the panels, did you know that there will be lots of live podcasting going on? Besides our aforementioned Forcecast Events, be sure to check out all the goings on at the Podcast Stage (Room 208AB). There are podcasts on news, literature, collecting, and fandom in general. So maybe it's time to finally peer behind the MP3 and put a face to that voice in your earsbuds!

You can be sure to stay up-to-date with the most recent news at and, plus help plan your trip at the Rebelscum Celebration Survival Guide.
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