Posted by Mark on March 30, 2005 at 12:38 AM CST
Questions for March 30, 2005
Q&A Archive

Since my camera’s been a little quiet lately I figure I better take this chance to answer some more questions. I’ve got another round in the works; if all goes well I’ll meet you all back here on Friday. Keep those cards and letters comin’!

Oh yeah, got a couple comments on the Grievous Preview figure knee joint question from last time. A reader had gotten the impression the knees would be ball and socket joints, similar to what Hasbro has done with some of their figure heads. Basically a ball at one end of the body part fits into a cup-like socket at the end of its counterpart. I don’t recall getting that impression, but what Hasbro ended up using on the figure was a ‘hinge’ joint on a rotating peg. The range of motion is somewhat similar, but they are two different types of articulation. Hope that clears up any confusion.

On with the show:

I've been loving your "Close Up" features you've been doing on the figures. I have a question for you about the Clone Commander and Clone Pilot figures. Do either of them have an action feature (squeeze legs quick draw or something else)? -John

No, thankfully these are just your plain old run of the mill figures without any action feature mumbo jumbo. A BIG plus in my book.

Do you know if there are any plans for any new Animated Clone Wars Figures in view of the new episodes? Have you got the Preview Anakin Jedi Star Fighter? I received mine the other day and noticed that there are no instructions on where to stick some of the stickers. Are these extras or have they simply forgot? Please can you tell me if it is possible to open the ROTS Figures cards without causing too much damage?
-Ian Robinson

There are no plans that we’ve been made aware of, though there certainly were some great new characters to draw from in season two. In my mind the set will never be complete without Padmé, R2, and 3PO from the first season, so let’s hope Hasbro is at least considering it.

Yes, this is appear to be the standard on both Jedi Starfighters. I suppose Hasbro figured fans might like to customize the look of their individual fighters. It’s actually kinda nice, sort of like the old Battle Damaged X-Wing and TIE Fighters from the vintage line.

The best way to open the card with as little damage as possible is to carefully cut the tape around the back flaps, and slice the bubble along the top arch and the bottom of the card. The bubble should then fall away, leaving just the pieces which are adhered to the card itself.

I found the first 24 figures at a local Kmart today and the Royal Guard figure had a photo of the red guard with a blue one behind him, on the back the figure was pictured as blue but all 5 they had were red figures. Do you know if this is a production change or will there be both versions?

This is a running change, both figures should be available April 2nd, though the Blue guard so far has been the rarest of the two reported. Have no fear though; I’m sure that will even out before too long.

Whats happend to Jar Jar Binks? Why no ROTS Figure? Is he not featured in this film? -Robbo

From what I understand he is seen, but not heard… Considering the last Jar Jar figure was an instant peg warmer, I can see why Hasbro may have chosen to avoid him this time around.

I don’t know if this has been brought up in earlier questions but, I was wondering if the ROTS Unleashed figs were going to be released April 2 also? Usually websites will post pre-orders on these items. I haven't seen anything... -Victor

Yes, the first wave of ROTS Unleashed (Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Grievous) should be on the shelves April 2nd. The reason why you haven’t seen any pre-orders is because up until last weekend on-line retail was asked not to post images or offer anything for pre-order.

As you know, they made those Ralph McQuarrie Art Portfolio’s for the original trilogy and then a really cool Doug Chang Portfolio for TPM, did they ever release one for AOTC and do you know if they plan on it for ROTS? -Bob Swanek

As far as I know nothing was release for Episode II aside from the ‘Art of’ book, and nothing has been mentioned regarding a portfolio for Revenge of the Sith. As someone who actually collects these I think it would be nice, but so far no luck.

I’m a bit confused about how Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter is supposed to look after having seen some of the toys of it. For example, on the back of Hasbro’s Revenge of the Sith figure preview wave, Anakin’s fighter has the 8-point Republic logo, which also appears in “LEGO: Mission of the Jedi” which is featured on your site. However, on the front of the box for Hasbro’s Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter, it shows the 6-point Imperial logo, as do the pictures on your site of both Anakin’s and Obi-Wan’s ships, so which is correct? -Adam

Without having seen the movie, which may have some kind of explanation, I’d have to say that Hasbro muffed up on the Jedi Starfighter decals. So far everything else with the Republic Icon has eight points, these are the only two cases where it’s turned up with the more ‘Imperial’ six-point configuration. Unfortunately this wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened, I suppose time tell if a correction is made or not.

I've been collecting Star Wars action figures since 1977 when I was 10 years old and I have always made the same mistake: when faced, for financial reasons, with only being able to buy 3 or 4 figures at a time, I always choose the peg warmers and miss the great ones. Here's my question: which of the coming Episode 3 line do you think has peg warmer potential and which do you think "If you see it, buy it!" -SJC

Of the 56 figures that will make up the Revenge of the Sith line, I have to say these look like the ones with the most peg warming potential:

Super Battle Droid
Bail Organa
Plo Koon
Battle Droid
Shaak Ti
Saesee Tiin
Mon Mothma
Luminara Unduli
Polis Massan
Destroyer Droid
Ask Aak
Meena Tillis
Captain Antilles
Zett Jukassa

For some of these it’s going to depend on what role they play in the film, and what ratios they show up in. Bottom line though they’re either figures we already have, have been proven peg warmers in the past, or just are not exciting enough to warrant much attention. As for the must have figures, any Clone, and any army builder aside from what was listed above.

Say you could only buy 10 - 15 figures at midnight madness. Which would be the ones YOU would buy? Which are going to be the absolute hottest, must have, get-them-while-you-can figures and which ones will end up being the "Senator Jar Jar" of the series? -Kile Moore (Grand Rapids, MI)

Well, I’ll certainly be buying anything I haven’t already picked up, but my personal top 10 would be:

Clone Trooper
Darth Vader
Agen Kolar
Royal Guard (red & blue)
Aayla Secura
Clone Commander*
Clone Pilot*
AT-TE Gunner*

*If available.

As for what will end up the “Senator Jar Jar," it’s a little hard to say for sure. There are a number of figures in this initial release that have potential peg warmer written all over them, but Jar Jar was so unique in his despise-ability that it was almost a sure thing right out of the gate. None of the characters in this first set really have that going against them, so it will basically come down to case ratios and the figures ‘excitement level.’ The one figure with what’s probably the lowest ‘excitement points’ has to be Mon Mothma. The POTF2 figure didn’t do very well, and I’m not expecting this one to fly off the shelves either. I guess, for lack of another Jar Jar figure, Mothma will be my choice for "Senator Jar Jar" of the April debut.

Why does the Saesee Tiin figure from Revenge of the Sith have both horns when he had a broken horn during the Clone Wars? Did it grow back somehow?

That’s an excellent question; I’d say someone at LucasCo. missed a golden opportunity to work that in and maintain a little bit of the Clone Wars continuity. As he now has both horns, I’m sure it will be ‘explained away’ as he regenerated the broken one. Shame, it was actually one of the cooler elements of the character, and the Clone Wars action figure.

Until next time...

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