Posted by Mark on April 1, 2005 at 02:53 PM CST
Questions for April 1, 2005
Q&A Archive

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? As promised, we've got our third update for the week, this one heavy on ROTS and Midnight Madness. I'm sure there will plenty of questions after the weekend so be sure to fire them off. I'll be in and out next week - kids are on Spring Break - but I hope to get a couple more updates posted.

About Saesee Tiin's horn… I got a TON of email on this, looks like an explanation is out there, though I think it's all just a cover up for what I thought originally. So, from the official site, Tiin's bio in the Data Bank: "Tiin's piloting skills were put to great use during the Stark Hyperspace Wars, and more importantly, the Clone Wars. One close call in that epic conflict led to a low-altitude bail out, which Tiin escaped with minor injuries. He was soon back in action, having healed and regrown a broken horn." Also, and I had to go back and re-watch (the things you readers make me do…) in the latest Clone Wars series Tiin is seen first on the Jedi Council with a broken horn, and later during the attack on Coruscant with a "mended" horn. Not sure what the time progression is supposed to be between those two scenes, obviously some time has passes because Anakin goes from spiky Padawan to his flowing ROTS locks, but it must have been enough time for Tiin's horn to grow back. Also-also, A few readers mentioned there a passage in the ROTS novel where Windu comments on Tiin's mended horn as they ride the lift up to Palpatine's office… How cute… Haven't read the book, can't confirm it, but that's what was sent in. So, I will restate my case; the costume department missed there chance to carry one what was presented in the Clone Wars mini-series and Hasbro action figure, and a number of comics, and put a Saesee Tiin on set with two complete horns. Since the time his scene was shot, probably over a year ago, Cartoon Network and the Official Site have conspired to cover up and explain away this earth shattering debacle which otherwise would have completely ruined Episode III. It is a conspiracy, it is! Why isn't anyone listening to me!!

Anyway… Everyone have a great Midnight Madness, drive safe and keep it civil in the toy aisles. Looks like I'll be at the Huntington Beach Toys 'R' Us tonight, and the Beach Blvd. Target and/or Wal*Mart Saturday morning. Happy hunting!

On with the show:

I know this subject has come up before, but I think there may be {hopefully} some new light. Upon viewing the upcoming ROTS figures, I noticed a very cool-looking AT-TE gunner figure. Can I assume from this that Hasbro is planning to issue an AT-TE toy? I mean, during the AOTC wave, when the clone trooper pilot came out, the Gunship soon followed. I know that this vehicle probably will look a bit different in ROTS, given the change in the other vehicles such as the Jedi Starfighters. Are they teasing us, or will Hasbro balk at making such a toy due to price concerns? I know myself and many other collectors would jump at the chance to get such a toy. What are your thoughts? -Robert Dockey (New Oxford, PA)

While I doubt they had any malicious intent, it looks like Hasbro is just teasing us with the figure. So far no plans for an AT-TE have hit the radar, and sighting the usual concerns (cost and size) I don't expect Hasbro to pull this rabbit out of their hat. Kenner most likely would have made the vehicle years ago, the industry and the market has changed too much for Hasbro to take that risk today.

I have not heard anything about the release date for the Episode 3 score. Do you know when we can expect it? Will Pepsi Japan do their caps again for Episode 3? -Brian Hagerstrand

I haven't heard anything about Pepsi cap yet, but if it comes up I'll be sure to mention it. According to the Sony website, the Revenge of the Sith Soundtrack is due to hit the street May 3rd.

Looking forward to buying all the great new Ep. III figures this weekend, but I'm amazed at the ongoing lack of Padmé action figures. There are like, what 19 versions of Anakin coming out April 2, ranging from lightsaber-swinging Anakin to crispy-fried Anakin? And yet there's only 1 version of Padmé, despite the fact that she has more costume changes than any character, and she is the single most important female character in the new trilogy??? What gives? It's not like the Padmé figures don't sell through at retail. Have you heard of any other Padmé figures in the pipeline this fall? I was really hoping for an Evolutions Padmé 3-pack with 3 un-produced costumes from TPM, AOTC and ROTS.

Yeah, that's a pretty disappointing turn of events for most die-hard collectors. Unfortunately there hasn't been so much as a hint of additional Amidala figures on the horizon. You would think with a number of Galactic Senator figures in the line Hasbro would include a Padmé to go with them, but I guess that idea must have slipped their minds. Honestly the mind set on this is that it's a boy's toy line, and in a movie year where they are trying to attract younger fans, there's just not a lot of room for a figure hat could be interpreted as a doll. Rather than offer us two or three Padmé figures in different gowns, they just as soon offer a female Jedi and Mon Mothma who has a clear link to the Original Trilogy. It's a tough choice to make for the basic line, but your Evolutions 3-pack idea is right on. That would be great way to hit several of the costumes that have so far been missed, my fear though is Hasbro will use this to simply repackage previously released versions.

With the Star Wars Weekend hitting soon, I will probably be visiting a lot of Targets, Wal-Mart's, and Toys 'R' Us. Before I start hitting them up, I was wondering if you could let us know what to expect for the price per Star Wars figure at each of these stores? -Jeff


Does anyone have an idea as to what the figure prices will be at each of the major retailers? I have the $1 off coupon for Target..... but if Target is a $1 more than Wal-Mart..... You get the idea. -Robert W. Hayes (Baltimore, Md)

Okay, so far it looks like these will be the basic figure prices at participating retail chains for April 2nd, but you never know; last minute adjustments and special offers could pop up. Also note that some chains may price match, but you will need a printed receipt or advertisement to qualify. Prices are not guaranteed, and may differ in your area.

KB Toys: $7.99
K-Mart: $6.99 (2 for $11.00 4/3 - 4/9)
Target: $5.99 ($4.99 with coupon)
Toys 'R' Us: $5.29 (Price good until 4/9)
Wal*Mart: $5.24

Has anyone heard anything about a 12 inch Revenge of the Sith Obi-wan? Too much stuff has been leaked out to of not heard anything yet. I just wandering cause I really want to finish my time progression of figures. -masterjedi1127

So far nothing has been mentioned, and according to the tone our team picked up from Toy Fair, the future of the 12" line is in serious doubt. Considering the poor offering they've had lately, poor distribution, and poor sales, I'd say the line could easily end with the two female Jedi slated for later this year. There's very little interest at retail, and I think collectors have just plain gotten tired of the figures Hasbro chooses to offer. It probably wouldn't happen, but the line would undoubtedly have a better future if Hasbro sold it off to Sideshow. They would likely end up costing more, but at least collectors would finally get the quality collectible they deserve.

I had a question about the new Jaks TV Game controller. I had heard some months ago that this would have the classic Star Wars games on it. Now I find out that they are new games developed just for this controller. Does Hasbro, or anyone else for that matter; have any plans to release a game controller with the vintage arcade, Atari or Nintendo Star Wars games on it? I know it would sell well, and much of this particular market is geared toward vintage games, i.e. atari, pac-man, etc.

While it certainly would be nice to see, so far there's been no indication these games would be re-released. In light of the other offerings from JAKK Pacific it appears the option might be within their license agreement, but no plans have been announced that I'm aware of. For now I'd say cross your fingers, it's a great idea, we'll have to wait and see if it goes anywhere.

Do you have any idea why the "Anakin's Jedi Starfighter" exclusive at Toys 'R' Us is green and not yellow like the preview starfighter. Does Anakin get a green one in the film, or is it just Hasbro taking liberties. -jedimonkie


In the preview wave Anakin's Jedi starfighter is yellow. But there is also another one to comes, which includes the figure of Anakin, and this one is green!! What's the problem?? I'm spoiler free, so if its linked with a spoiler please don't answer this question.


Just a quickie...I'm collecting all the Anakin/Vader items from ROTS. I picked up the Sneak Peak Anakin Jedi Starfighter. As we all know, most of the ship is yellow. However, I have seen a pic of the regular released ROTS Anakin Starfighter, and the majority of it is green! Why would that be? Is it just because the first one was a Sneak Peak, and the actual movie version is actually green? Thanks in advance! -Elijah

At this point I don't know, and wishing to stay relatively spoiler free I'm afraid I'm not going to really ask around about it. Logically I would say it indicates Anakin, at some point, flies a second fighter. However, Hasbro has shown a tendency to repaint fighters (red Y-Wing, green A-Wing…) so they could very well be taking a few liberties where this exclusive is concerned. There's also the thought that this fighter is flown by another Jedi, and Hasbro/Toys 'R' Us is simply making it available with the Anakin figure. Saesee Tiin flew a green fighter in one of the recent Clone Wars episodes, not quite this deco, but it was green. Frankly I'm kind of excited about it, I like to see Hasbro working outside the box (if that's what this is), but I suppose we won't really know for sure what's up until after May 19th. Unless of course you're into spoilers in which case you might be able to find out in the comic adaptations, or sticker books, or story books…

Back in the mid-90's the one product to kick off my excitement about collecting Star Wars were the Micro Machines sets that became available when the original trilogy was released for the "last" time. They seemed very popular right up until Episode I was released. I haven't seen anything since then, like the C-3PO head that unfolded to make the mini Mos Eisley Cantina. The Micro Machines are what got me into collecting and I was just wondering why they decided to cancel or to just not go in that direction anymore. -Mike G.

Short story; after Hasbro bought galoob, and following the Episode I product disaster, they scaled way back on the number of lines offered in order to "rebuild" the brand. Not being a core Hasbro product, the MicroMachine line was one of the first to go, and it has just never been brought back. While there are a couple galoob products being revived this year (die-cast MicroMachines, and a version of the old X-Ray Fleet MicroMachines), the traditional micros are not one of them, nor are the transforming head playsets you mentioned. If and when Hasbro will ever bring these lines back is a mystery, but I suppose for now it remains an option.

Do you know what action figure collections will be at the Toys 'R' Us midnight madness event (e.g.: collection 1 wave1 and 2 or collection 2 wave 1 and 2.) -karl

Based on the figures that have leaked out a couple weeks ago, Collection 1 waves 1 and 2, and Collection 2 waves 1, 2, and 3 could all be out on April 2nd. While Collection 2 wave 3 has been scarce, it was found and images were posted. This may be one of the harder waves to find, but all things being equal, it should be out there somewhere.

I've been following everyone's reports about finding figures early on the shelf and I'm left a bit confused....

I found the first wave at my area Wal-Mart last week and actually got as far as the register, but they would not scan. This of course alerted the cashier who in turn called down to toys who in turn removed everything from my carriage! How are others getting around this if they are not yet in the system?

In regards to more Vintage OTC figures I would definitely like to see 9 more, though I still do not agree with the price markup. They ARE NOT any better made or offer anything more than the basics do, except the name Vintage. But I would still like to see a new sculpt of Grand Moff Tarkin or maybe even a Tusken Raider or R5-D4 in this line-up.

And my final thought today is on the Tonnika Sisters. A first thought would have been to use 2 other actress' and insert them either in the Special Edition or in Episode III, but what if they happened to have an appearance in one of the many novels or comic adaptations? Could they then be issued as Expanded Universe candidates? -Jon

For the most part there was a two week window where the ROTS figures rang up just like any old figure. I found Collection 2 wave 1 and Collection 1 wave 2 over a two day period and had no problem checking out with them. Of course my wallet was much thinner, but that's a whole separate issue. Once reports and images started hitting the collector sites phones started ringing and word was sent down that it had to stop. Apparently, by the time you found them the 'system' had already been alerted, and by design you were stopped from making a purchase.

Well, if Hasbro does revisit the VOTC line, I imagine the price point would remain where it was before. As for your figure selections, I'd certainly like to see all of those, but they don't strike me as the types of figure Hasbro would put at the top of the list. We'll see, my fingers are definitely crossed.

First thought: too much work for LFL, just to be able to make a couple action figures. Second thought: Unless they were animated or comic book style, it still wouldn't fly. As long as the likeness of the actresses is used, no matter what source you claim they are from, there's still a permission issue.

Until next time...

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