Posted by Mark on April 7, 2005 at 04:00 AM CST
Questions for April 07, 2005
Q&A Archive

Well, I had hoped to have two updates this week, but time is running short, the kids are on Spring Break, and the little woman wants to get out of the house for a couple days. I’ll be sure to hit more of your questions next week so keep ‘em coming. Based on what’s come in so far there's lots of good stuff ahead; should be fun. Thanks to everyone that sent a question for this update, I’ll look forward to hearing from the rest of you soon!

On with the show:

What figure is the rarer of the two #23 royal guards, the blue or red? While hunting in Allentown, PA, the blue was plentiful, while the red was scarce. In Harrisburg, PA it was the other way around! Other characters that also seemed hard to find were Padmé, Mon Mothma, and Chancellor Palpatine #14. If you have information on any other rare or hard to find figures could you let us know! -Joe Billig (Harrisburg, PA)

The rarity of figure #23 will be determined by its distribution in your particular area more than the actual production number. I’m confident both red and blue guards were produced in roughly the same quantities, as more cases ship, you ‘should’ start to see relative numbers even out. During the time figures were leaking out early all we heard about were the red guards; leaving many to wonder if the blue guard would be out on the 2nd at all. Come April 2nd, the majority of what I saw were all blue guards… As for the other figures you mentioned, give it time. There are still plenty of cases waiting in back rooms and warehouses, I can’t be sure which cases were put out in your area, but I know these figures are in circulation in cases marked Collection 2 wave 1. Right now the only hard to find figures seem to be #33-#40, but that’s only because they haven’t shipped in high enough numbers yet. We should start seeing more of these figures in the weeks ahead.

What's with the different color Packaging on the 4" figures? It seems that the Vader in the Background is different colors. One purplish...and one a dark blue or black. Variations? -Jeremy Kline

It’s a color registration issue with the printer; I see them all the time. Apparently it didn’t bother Hasbro enough to send them back so we end up with figures on two slightly different colored card-backs. Is it a variation? That’s up to the individual collector; I certainly don’t consider it one and honestly hope no one pays more for a figure on account of it. From what I saw the other night, and since then for that matter, there should be no problem for anyone who has their heart set on collecting a set on either or both colored cards.

I was wondering about the clamshell packaging of the LAVA DARTH VADER figure that Target offered as an exclusive, if there is damage to the unique ROTS printed clamshell but not the figure and the actual packaging of the figure, does that decrease the value of the figure? Can you get replacement clamshells?

And also I saw that is offering the LAVA DARTH on the website with a 4-6 week wait, does that mean that in the initial April 2 offering that they didn’t release all 50,000 figures to the public? Or did they just tease everyone and made more of them?

Also with the LAVA DARTH VADER, HOLOGRAPH YODA, and the RED and BLUE ROYAL GUARD figures, are there any other RARE figures that are out there to look for that were released? -Brad Rusk

Depends on the collector, but since the shell is part of the package it will likely have an affect on the selling price. So far I haven’t heard replacement shells would be made available, and I’m guessing they won’t. However, it sounds like will be shipping their figures in special clamshells, if it’s the same as the one that came with Lava Vader you may be in luck.

Based on how these things have worked in the past, I doubt Hasbro ran additional figure for the on-line offer. The card clearly says the figures are limited to 50,000, I’m sure Target and Hasbro will honor that claim. My guess is several hundred were held back for fans that missed out on the 2nd. After these are gone that should be the end of that.

The one figure that’s still a question mark is the blue saber Palpatine #35. We still don’t have a clear answer on this from Hasbro, and it’s too early to tell from the limited distribution the figure has seen so far. As the figure continues to ship we should start to get a clearer picture, but right now it’s anyone’s guess.

With the re-issue of the Republic Gunship for ROTS, I was thinking this would be the perfect opportunity for Hasbro to re-issue Clone Wars vehicles and figures under the ROTS packaging. What do you think the chances are that we will see ROTS versions of the Hailfire Droid, Spider Droid and multi-packs of the Jedi and Droid armies? Also, what about a re-issue of the Electronic Rebel Cruiser since the Tantive IV makes its debut in Sith?

Depending on what shows up in the movie, I’d say anything is possible. So far there’s been no indication the Hailfire Droid is coming, but we have seen the Spider Droid listed and images of a slightly retooled version of the Clone Trooper 3-pack. As far as a re-release of the Collector Fleet Blockade Runner; no word yet. Let’s hope they don’t do it with some major improvements – that was a turkey the first time around, a new package wouldn’t do enough to make most fans want to buy it again.

Why does Obi-Wan #1 have an ignited episode 1 and 2 lightsaber and an episode 3 un-ignited hilt? Mistake or spoiler? Where are we supposed to get the turrets for the new gunship if the new pilot figure doesn't have them?

Good question. Nothing I’ve heard or seen (what little that may be) tells me this is a spoiler, so I’d say it’s just a plain old mistake or intentional. What kind of mistake is anyone’s guess, I suppose it’s possible Hasbro started work on the figure before the actual movie prop was known and didn’t bother with retooling the saber after the fact. It’s also possible, considering the ‘slashing’ action that this saber just worked better than the narrower ROTS/ANH hilt. I can’t imagine anyone would have any fun with that action feature if the sabers kept snapping off or bending at the hilt.

As for Gunship Ball-Turrets; you can always get them from eBay with the old Clone Pilot… So far there’s been no word on turrets for the ‘new’ ROTS Gunship being made available. Considering everyone was fairly disappointed in the previous versions I can see why Hasbro decided not to go with them this time around. The actual turrets from the movie were large enough for a trooper to fit insider, if Hasbro were to attempt that with a full-size figure it would look odd on the scaled down Gunship. To keep the proportions right, Hasbro would have to scale the figure down as well, and my guess is there would be issues marketing a smaller figure and turret set on its own. It might have been a nice addition to include with the vehicle, but that clearly didn’t fit within the desired price point.

At Midnight Madness I scored plenty of extra boxes. Now I can minimize the amount of space all of my carded figures take up, plus they're now packed for when I move to a house with more room to properly display them.

Here's the question: Will the cardboard boxes (the kind the figures were shipped in) cause yellowing due to the possible presence of acids in the material? Are plastic containers safer, or do they contain acids as well?

None of my figures since 1995 have turned yellow. For the most part, they've either hung on my wall or stood upright on my closet shelf. But for temporary storage (temporary meaning a year or two), what is the best method for keeping them acid-free and non-yellow?

Finally, if they will yellow over time anyway due to the presence of acids in the bubble and card-back, do you think carded figure collecting is hopeless? -Jason Smolinski (Fairfax, VA)

I would be surprised to learn that Hasbro ships their figures in archival quality, acid free cartons. However, I’m not sure it makes much of a difference anyway. The plastic used for the bubble is subject to the same degeneration as any other plastic, over time it will most likely yellow all on it’s own. While keeping them in the Hasbro box may speed up the process, it’s really just a matter of time.

To store your collection for a period of time, acid-free boxes would be the best way to go. Plastic containers can trap moisture and cause problems; cardboard tends not create the same issues. While in storage, make sure the conditions are as cool, and dry, and dust free as you can possibly make them. For a year or two they should be fine.

If none of your figure bubbles have yellowed so far, you could be in good shape. Whatever you’re doing it seems to be working; some collectors have already noticed yellowing bubbles on a few of their POTF2 figures. However, chemicals in the plastic itself can do enough damage all on their own under the right (or wrong) conditions. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s hopeless, but if you can maintain a cool, dry environment you have a much better chance at “yellow bubble free” collection.

I was at my local Wal-Mart picking up my Early Bird Certificate Package when they told me that all I needed to do was purchase$30 in Star Wars merchandise and I could get one for free! I was shocked so I spent $120 (I have 2 kids and they have 2 cousins) and they gave me 4 of them. The problem is when I read the back of the Early Bird Package directions it states that I must circle the actual item on the receipt. When they gave me the Early Bird Certificate Package they never scanned it. We called Wal-Mart and told them the problem and they said all we have to do is circle the $30's in merchandise. We called a later and talked to a different manager and they said we needed to buy $300 in Star Wars toys and the Early Bird Set would automatically show up on the receipt. I am obviously confused can you please help us? -John (Las Vegas)

Ya know, I have to applaud Hasbro for trying to come up with a gimmick that discourages scalping, theft, and second market gauging, but this register receipt business has caused more confusion than the set seems to be worth. Unfortunately, for your case in particular, there just doesn’t seem to be a clear answer to many of the questions that have poured in. Even more surprisingly, according to Hasbro, they don’t even know how to handle some of these situations. In your case, I would send in the receipt with an explanation of your situation. When it all boils down, this is supposed to be a fun little throwback to the old days. I would hope, in the spirit of the offer (and in light of the mess this has become), they would make an exception given the circumstances of your purchase. Hey, for good measure it wouldn’t hurt to throw in a few hundred Jedi Master Points as well.

Please can you tell me if the Hasbro ROTS Vehicles will be to scale in relation to the Figures? -Robbo

With very few exceptions, the Hasbro vehicles are never 100% in scale with the basic figures. While they are designed to accommodate the figures, the vehicles are generally scaled down from the size they’re supposed to be on screen. Exceptions to this tend to be the smaller vehicles like Speeder Bikes, etc...

I was wondering if you could help me with a dilemma. I bought the Wal-Mart Early Bird Special Exclusive because I didn’t know if I would get another chance to buy it but when I bought it, I still wasn’t sure about the whole idea of it though. I mean $30 for 4 figures that I already have from POTF 2 and VOTC? I guess I am asking if you think I should just mail it in, return it/sell it or keep it mint and watch the value of it go up. But does something like that have a whole lot of value 20+ years from now? I haven’t seen many collectors trying to get there hands on the original Early Bird special from Kenner.

Will the figures in the Early Bird Special be better (sculpt, articulation etc.) than there predecessors or will they look similar to the VOTC just with out the whole “vintage” feel? Also, will the figures be readily available to the public once the new “Saga” line is released in 2006?
Another thing I was wondering about will the ROTS Obi-Wan Kenobi #56 have an action feature or will it be plain with a whole lot of articulation like VOTC Han Solo? And will Hasbro continue with the action features after the initial 56? -David Chambers

You don’t see many collectors going after original Early Bird kits because, frankly, there aren’t that many around anymore, and the ones that are (and complete) sell for quite a bit of money. The value of these new reproductions kits will always be less, but for nostalgia sake they will probably hold their purchase price, if not a little more. Although, keep in mind anyone buying the sets now will likely buy at least two; one to open and send the certificate in, and one to keep for their collection. As far as what to do with the set you bought, what you have now is really incomplete. Without the figures to compliment the set you’ll really just have the empty box. Granted you’ll have to send part of the packet away to get the figures, but that one piece will hardly be as the figures will be. A nice touch on Hasbro’s part would be if they’d return the certificate with your figures, but that probably won’t happen.

According to the images that were posted just yesterday, the figures for this set are rather basic. The Luke, Leia, and Chewie are supposedly new sculpts, while the R2 looks awfully familiar. The sculpting and articulation look to be nothing like the VOTC, and as a matter of fact appear to be a bit of a step backwards for the line. The extending lightsaber is a nice nod, but overall the figures are somewhat bland. According to Hasbro’s announcement, these figures will only be available through this offer. Based on that I doubt they will be carded and sold through general distribution. Right now it looks like the only way to get these four figures will be through this offer.

At this point very little is known about Obi-Wan #56. I would think (hope) that he would not include an action feature, nor would he be loaded with articulation. All the figure really needs to do is fit inside the cockpit of the Obi-Wan Starfighter, something neither of the first two Obi-Wans can do. As for the future of the action features; they pretty much went away after the Saga/Episode II line wrapped up. My thinking is it will be the same following Episode III. I suppose we could see a sprinkling of the feature here and there, but nothing like what we’re seeing now.

Has anyone heard or seen any reports about Hasbro continuing the 12" for EP III, or any news for a 12" Obi-Wan EP III style? -Curt Woods (Dallas, Texas)

While they didn’t let on at Toy Fair, it seems there is an Episode III Obi-Wan 12” figure on Hasbro’s list. Nothing is official yet, and availability/release is subject to change, but we have seen a pretty good indicator that this figure is coming later in the year. We hope to have more conclusive info on this soon so stay tuned. As for other 12” figure offerings, nothing has surfaced yet, but the Obi-Wan news sure puts things in a different light.

Until next time...

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