Rebelscum fans! This week on the site we’re looking at Starkiller Base, the First Order, and all things related to
The Force Awakens. Make sure to check out our “
Expand Your Mind” article first to learn all the important behind-the-scenes information, but stay tuned throughout the week for more articles, insights, videos, and details about all the hottest merchandising items collectors should be looking for.

A Sith presence was obvious within the Galactic Empire, but many of the most dangerous villains were simply non-Force-sensitive men with hate in their heart. Many of the most iconic Imperial Officers in the classic trilogy such as Grand Moff Tarkin, Admiral Piett, Captain Needa, and General Veers saw their history expanded in tie-in books. With
The Force Awakens, the officers of the First Order needed to live up to this legacy.

The First Order’s General Hux was more than just a cameo role, as he became a prominent villain for the entire trilogy. Acclaimed actor Domhnall Gleeson was cast in the role, and 2015 was certainly a major year for the Irish star. In the course of twelve months, he co-starred in
The Revenant,
Brooklyn, and
Ex Machina alongside his
The Force Awakens co-star Oscar Isaac (although they ironically don’t share any screen time together in the
Star Wars sequel).

Hux brought a new, youthful energy to
Star Wars villainy. One of the most interesting thematic elements of
The Force Awakens is how it deals with fandom itself. In the same way that Finn, Rey, and Poe grew up hearing stories about the legend of Luke Skywalker, the First Order officers are bred from the generation that worshiped the Empire. Hux clearly demonstrates his fascist tendencies and believes that a superweapon is the only way to bring forth galactic peace.

Hux believes strongly in the potential of Starkiller Base, and takes pride in the stormtrooper training process. He’s slightly embarrassed by Finn’s betrayal, as Hux is unquestioning in his allegiance. His emphasis on testing out the superweapon causes conflict with Kylo Ren, and the two become rivals throughout the trilogy. Hux aims to impress Supreme Leader Snoke with his technological abilities.

Hux is put in an uncomfortable situation in
The Last Jedi as he deals with the aftermath of Starkiller Base’s destruction. Hux is publicly humiliated by Snoke, and then forced to swear allegiance to Kylo Ren when he takes over as Supreme Leader. The brewing jealousy that Hux holds bubbles to the surface in
The Rise of Skywalker. Ultimately, he provides the Resistance with information about the plot on Exegol and aids Finn, Rey, and Poe in their escape from Kylo Ren’s ship. His heroism is short-lived; Hux is executed thereafter.
What do you think,
Rebelscum fans? Are you a Hux fan? What are some of your favorite Hux figures and collectibles?
Let us know in the forums, and as always, may the Force be with you!
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