Posted by Liam on March 4, 2022 at 09:36 AM CST
Hey there, Rebelscum fans! This week on the site we’re looking at the First Order’s version of the Death Star with a study into Starkiller Base. If you haven’t already read our “Expand Your Mind” article, make sure to do that first in order to read about how the fearsome battle station was developed in the behind-the-scenes for The Force Awakens. Stay tuned throughout the week for more articles, insights, videos, and information on the best merchandising items that collectors will want.

The Starkiller Base sequence features some of the most jaw dropping moments in Star Wars history. Not only does Han Solo meet his demise at the hands of his son, but it's the sight of Rey’s first true wielding of a lightsaber. After Finn is critically injured in the battle, Rey takes the Skywalker blade and duels with an emotionally and physically battered Kylo Ren. Check out more details with our Force Facts:

  • Harrison Ford had lobbied for the death of Han Solo for years, even claiming that he thought the character should perish during the end of Return of the Jedi.

  • Not only had Ford vacated returning to Han Solo in any post-Return of the Jedi projects, he largely avoided science fiction in general. Between the releases of Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, the only sci-fi film he appeared in was Cowboys and Aliens (from future The Mandalorian creator Jon Faverau).

  • Before Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were cast, such acclaimed young stars as Saoirse Ronan and Michael B. Jordan tested for the role.

  • The name “Starkiller” has a long history within the Star Wars saga. George Lucas’s 1974 rough draft centered around the legendary Jedi Kane Starkiller and his sons Deak and Aniikin. “Luke Starkiller” was a hero in other subsequent revisions.

  • The stormtrooper that Rey uses a Force mind trick on is played by James Bond himself, Daniel Craig. Cameo appearances in Stormtrooper armor had to be limited, as only actors that met the height requirement could test for the role.

  • J.J. Abrams’s previous film Super 8 centers around a group of teenage film enthusiasts in the 1970s, and Star Wars collectible items and posters can be seen in the background of the character Joel’s bedroom.

  • In order to avoid leaks on the script, the original drafts of The Force Awakens were passed around using the code name Shadows of the Empire, a reference to the legendary Expanded Universe project from 1996.

  • One of the names thrown out as a potential Star Wars: Episode VII director was David Fincher. As a teenager, Fincher was an intern for Lucasfilm and worked on Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  • Although the Star Wars prequel trilogy was renowned for their use of digital cameras (Attack of the Clones was the first film to ever be shot completely using digital cameras), The Force Awakens was shot on 35mm film.

  • The Force Awakens remains part of the exclusive club of five films that have grossed over $2 billion worldwide. It's the fourth biggest movie ever behind Avatar, Avengers: Endgame, and Titanic, and above Avengers: Infinity War. When The Force Awakens opened, it edged out Jurassic World as the biggest box office opening weekend in history. However the honor was short-lived, as Avengers: Infinity War took that title two years later.
What do you think, Rebelscum fans? What are some of your favorite Force Facts? How many times did you see The Force Awakens in theaters (I saw it six times!)? Let us know in the forums, and as always, may the Force be with you!
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