Hello there,
Rebelscum fans! This week on the site we’re exploring
The Force Awakens and its epic finale at Starkiller Base. Make sure to read our “
Expand Your Mind” segment first in order to read about how the film came to be and how the First Order was created, but stay tuned throughout the week for more articles, insights, videos, and information about all hottest merchandising items that collectors will want to get their hands on.

When Lucasfilm was purchased by Walt Disney Studios in 2012, a new canon timeline was launched. Many of the most popular
Star Wars authors returned to add to the new universe, and they were tasked with developing a version of the galaxy where the First Order dominated the Resistance for supremacy. The Battle of Starkiller Base was only one of those key comments, but the new wave of publishing offered even more adventures for fans to explore. Here are some that fans should definitely check out.

- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (the official novelization) - Star Wars novelizations have a proud history of deepening our understanding of the films with more detail on the character backstories and even include deleted scenes. The Force Awakens novelization hails from Alan Dean Foster, the legendary author behind the original 1977 novelization Star Wars: From The Adventures of Luke Skywalker and the first ever Expanded Universe novel Splinter of the Mind’s Eye.

Aftermath Trilogy - Chuck Wending’s trilogy of novels Aftermath, Life Debt, and Empire’s End explore how the galaxy transitioned from the destruction of Death Star II to the creation of Starkiller Base. In addition to a new generation of rebels and heroes, the books featured appearances from fan favorite characters like Wedge Antilles.

- Lost Stars - This highly emotional “Romeo and Juliet” story follows two childhood friends who grow up to find themselves on opposite sides of the Galactic Civil War. The book climaxes with events that coincide with The Force Awakens including the Battle of Jakuu and the Battle of Starkiller Base.

- Before the Awakening - The anthology young adult novel gives more insights on the backstories of prequel trilogy characters Rey, Finn, and Poe Dameron.

- Bloodline - This Leia-centric adventure shows how the most beloved princess in the galaxy fulfills her destiny by becoming General Organa.

- Force Collector - While released during the promotional campaign for The Rise of Skywalker, this novel centers on the character of Kar Nuq Sin and his role in the early First Order-Resistance conflict prior to The Force Awakens.

- Phasma - The scene-stealing silver plated First Order officer gets her own prequel novel that gives insights on how the new generation of Stormtroopers are raised and trained.

- Galaxy’s Edge: Black Spire - To tie in with the new attractions at Disney World, the Galaxy’s Edge series opens by detailing the first stages of the new galactic war and Starkiller Base’s creation.
What do you think,
Rebelscum fans! Which of these books is your favorite? What other adventures set during this era would you like to see authors explore?
Let us know in the forums, and as always, may the Force be with you!
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