Posted by Liam on February 5, 2022 at 09:17 AM CST
Hey there, Rebelscum fans! This week on the site, we’re headed back to the original Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope to explore the Battle of Yavin. Make sure to check our our “Expand Your Mind” article to learn all about why the Battle of Yavin is such an important moment in Star Wars history, but stay tuned throughout the week for more articles, insights, videos, and spotlights on the best merchandise available.

The Battle of Yavin nearly wipes out the entire X-Wing and Y-Wing squadrons, with Luke, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Wedge Antilles among the only survivors. Wedge and Luke had only briefly met each other through their interaction with Biggs Darklighter, but they soon would grow closer as they formed Rogue Squadron to lead a new team of pilots. Wedge appeared in prominent parts throughout the classic trilogy, assisting the snowspeeders in the Battle of Hoth and leading Rogue Squadron during the Battle of Endor.

Colin Higgins was cast as Wedge Antilles in A New Hope and shot the scene in which General Dodonna goes over the plans for the assault on the Death Star. Unfortunately, Higgins was fired from set, but his one scene remains in the film. Higgins was replaced by Denis Lawson, who played Wedge throughout the original trilogy. Lawson was originally intended to appear during the opening scene of The Force Awakens, but the role was replaced by a new character played by Max Von Sydow. Lawson finally returned for the Battle of Exegol in The Rise of Skywalker. Wedge’s voice also appears in Rogue One during the Battle of Scarif, but he doesn’t appear onscreen. Lawson is also the real life uncle of Obi-Wan Kenobi actor himself, Ewan McGregor.

Wedge has become a prominent character in the Legends canon. The Rogue Squadron comic and book series both explore Wedge’s rise as Rogue Leader when Luke Skywalker became solely focused on leading the New Jedi Order. Wedge continues to serve as Luke’s ally deeper into the Legends timeline, including the Yuuzhan Vong War in The New Jedi Order series, Darth Caedus’s reign of terror in the Legacy of the Force series, and Luke’s conflicts with Mortis beings in Fate of the Jedi books.

In the new canon, Wedge began appearing Rebels in the season three episode “The Antilles Extraction,” voiced by Nathan Kress. He plays a prominent role in the Star Wars: Aftermath trilogy by Chuck Wendig of Aftermath, Life Debt, and Empire’s End, where he establishes Phantom Squadron. Wedge was involved in the Battle of Jakku according to the book Star Wars: Resistance Reborn. He also recruits Thane Kyrell, the lovesick star of Lost Stars. In the new canon backstory, Wedge has a backstory similar to Han. Both come from Corellia and join the Imperial Academy. Wedge defects and joins the Rebel Alliance.

What do you think, Rebelscum fans? Are you a fan of Wedge? Where would you like to see his story go next? Let us know in the forums, and as always, may the Force be with you!

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