Posted by Liam on February 1, 2022 at 08:46 AM CST
Hey there, Rebelscum fans! This week on the site we’re diving into the trench run with the Battle of Yavin from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. We’re exploring the history of the iconic sequence today, but make sure to stay tuned throughout the week for more articles, insights, videos, and information on the best merchandising content.

The Battle of Yavin is one of the most important events in the history of the Star Wars universe. It’s such a pivotal moment in galactic history that the official Star Wars timeline in both canon and Legends uses it as the demarcation point, with B.B.Y. referring to events occurring “before the Battle of Yavin” and A.B.Y. as “After the Battle of Yavin.” While obviously for the sake of easy comprehension the Star Wars galactic calendar is based around the original film, it only underscores why it's one of the most beloved scenes in Star Wars history.

In the film, it's of course the moment in which Luke Skywalker finally begins to fulfill his destiny and harness the power of the Force. At this point he’s wondering what his fate will be and if the stories of the Jedi that Obi-Wan told him about will always remain buried in the past, but upon hearing Ben’s voice he realizes his potential.

Luke undergoes fear as he takes part in the battle, losing his friend Biggs Darklighter (whose role had a larger presence in the film before scenes showing him and Luke together on Tatooine were cut from the final edit). Han Solo and Chewbacca’s return is one of the most inspirational moments in the franchise. This is also the first real encounter between Luke and Vader, who would become obsessed with finding the young pilot that destroyed the Death Star. For a comedic take on how Vader broke the news to Emperor Palpatine, make sure to check out the classic “The Emperor’s Phone Call” sketch from Robot Chicken.

George Lucas grew up loving World War II serials and adventure films, and cited classics like The Battle of Britain among his favorites. He loved the idea of dogfighting and aerial combat, and he knew that he wanted to cap off the end of the film with a tribute to his inspiration. Lucas’s love of dogfighting stories would continue throughout his career. A young Indiana Jones battles German soldiers in World War I, including the Red Baron himself, in episodes of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Lucas tried for decades to create a film based on the story of the Tuskegee Airmen, and after thirty years of development Red Tails was finally released in January of 2012.

X-Wings, Y-Wings, and TIE Fighters would become essential parts of the Star Wars collecting experience and some of the most iconic imagery within the saga. They would also become the basis of some of the greatest Star Wars video game moments of all-time, ranging from the classic SEGA Star Wars Trilogy arcade game to the more complex combat of modern Battlefront.

What do you think, Rebelscum fans? What are some of your favorite moments from the Battle of Yavin? How many times do you use the phrase “Stay on Target” everyday? Let us know in the forums, and as always, may the Force be with you!

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